
But let’s be honest here... How many modern Mercedes vehicles would you have to buy to achieve that longevity? Think early 2000-era E-class, and tell me how many of those, or how many 10’s of thousands of dollars it would take in repairs to achieve that same mileage. You’ve set such a specific criteria that even your

I’m not sure you understood the assignment.

Perhaps you were on a special plan of some sort, but that was pretty rare prior to about 5 years ago when T-Mobile started offering cheaper plans if you chose to buy your own phone. For example the plan was $60, but it was $80 if you subsidized a phone. Prior to that the only option was the $80 plan which meant if you

While I see your sarcasm tag, if this is true, you were still paying for a subsidized phone in the cost of your monthly service plan. You were paying for something you weren’t getting. That’s changing now, with them adjusting the price of their plans to exclude a device subsidy, but for 20 years you’ve been giving

Yep... from a decent looking concept to this too-tall monstrosity...

God I must be unpopular here. The Soul is the best looking of the bunch. The Flex is a close 2nd. The Volvo and the Cube? Nah...

There’s a certain subset of the gay community for which this would be hugely appealing... +1 if they’re removable to serve a dual purpose.

Between Microsoft, Apple, Google and even Facebook, I’d be far more willing to give Microsoft my info than the other three. If Google or Apple commits a terrible privacy violation, people are outraged for a brief moment and forget about it. They’re Apple and Google after all. Facebook is just Facebook... enough said

Completely agree on the part about internet sales. I bought a new car at the beginning of July and chose a dealer an hour outside of Indianapolis (when there are 4 or 5 dealers for that brand here) simply because they would deal with me over the Internet. (I also once sexually harassed the dealer rep, and felt a bit

The guy with the Lambo in the garage with 7 book shelves that runs before almost any car related video is absolutely baffling. I still don’t know who he is, nor do I know what he’s peddling. Yes, books are great... and now that 5 seconds have passed, I’m done watching you.

We MIGHT give you a discount, unless you drive with any sort of enthusiasm (or have to do an emergency stop through no fault of your own), in which case we “won’t raise your rates” but you definitely won’t get a discount.

Loving the "cross over" potential of driving a lot of "regular" cars to deliver packages. Much like the episode where they rode around on scooters to pick up drunk people to road test their cars.

I've always appreciated the crosshair grill, but this new direction is nice. Some of the horizontal bars could probably go away, but overall I like it.

Aside from this weird chrome... thing... I'd actually argue that this is a decent looking car. It's certainly unobjectionable, which is usually the first word on the Honda design bullet-point list.

Ok, I now better understand where you’re coming from, but... just because he contacted the insurance company doesn’t mean he’s stuck going that route. While he could likely get a payout from insurance, he’d get shafted. Assuming the claim hasn’t been settled, he could easily call up the insurance company and say he

So you're telling me, that if you're warranted product had a warranted component (assumption, but a fair one without knowing otherwise) fail within the warranty period in a way that caused that warranted product to cease to exist by way of fire, you wouldn't have a problem with the legally obligated warranty provider

I think that many people find an issue with how cold and impersonal this response is. It sidesteps the entire fact that the story involved a real human being.

I was once standing in line at a Wendy’s where a child was running in circles under and around the corral that keeps people in line. The child approached me, calling me “daddy” and acts as if he wants picked up. I despise kids, so I attempt to ignore him, but he’s insistent. His desire to be picked up first elicited

Inspirational story and all, but just a couple questions... If you’re choking on anything while you’re driving, why haven’t you pulled over? And if you’re choking, why is your first instinct to CALL someone?

One I've been guilty of: Focusing so much on disassembling the car and installing the part correctly that I then flake out on the reassembly. Sure, it's just the disassembly in reverse, and it will take considerably less time, but I've done it incorrectly more than once.