Perhaps this just goes to show that perception can be very personal I suppose. I fall within that demographic (and would have 10 years ago as well) and I haven’t encountered those features in notable quantities. Especially mullets...
Perhaps this just goes to show that perception can be very personal I suppose. I fall within that demographic (and would have 10 years ago as well) and I haven’t encountered those features in notable quantities. Especially mullets...
That's really a poor, rural thing out in the rest of the state, if we're being factual. I don't remember the last time a meth lab bust happened in Indianapolis proper, and a quick Google search brings up articles from early-2014 as the most recent. It's simply a non-issue in the city, especially on the Northeast side,…
So... you've never been to Indy... gotcha.
Easy now... Indianapolis is a great place. The rest of Indiana, not so much, but stay out of the corn fields and you're golden.
What's really scary is the fact that if this ever happened to me, I would likely never know it. I always take the "customer copy" of the receipt, but never fill it out to know how much I tipped. I have nothing to go back to.
Actually Sony's EULA specifically states that can prevent a PS from functioning whether online or offline for violations of the EULA. There was no rights violations here. Someone agreed to, and then broke, an agreement... they received punishment in line with that agreement.
You’re stretching there a bit. If your in a testing program like this, it is made very clear that you are responsible for the security of information about the software. That means, that if you let someone else play your console with pre-release software on it, you better make sure they don't do something that will…
Road head, by its awkward and uncomfortable nature, ruins road head.
Yes! I've not used this particular model, but I've been looking for one with the interchangeable waffle/flat plates. This one gets my vote, no questions asked.
Yes! I've not used this particular model, but I've been looking for one with the interchangeable waffle/flat plates.…
Upfront: I think the pilot probably made the wrong decision, if for no other reason than it was insensitive.
Wha.... What is this?
Practically speaking, those systems still have a useful accuracy in the range of +/- 1 meter. That's a full 200 centimeters of potential error. And while you contend in another post that "3 feet isn't a big deal when a road is 20 feet wide" that's misguided at best and flat out wrong at worse. 2 meters, or about 6…
You mean meters right?
My dog loves going for rides, and I occasionally consider taking him while I run errands at night (when it's dark, and the temperature is cooler). But I'm constantly terrified that some self-righteous asshole will bust my windows or call the police, so he rarely goes if it involves me getting out of the car.
I'm guessing his opinion is racially motivated... just a guess though.
It's an Oldsmobile, I'm not a miracle worker!
She's understeering captain!
This... Exactly this.
Obligatory for the less informed: There is a difference between a SUV and a CUV. Slow down/avoid potholes in your Kia Sportage or Chevy Equinox, as they are not trucks.