
I disagree. I really don’t think the switch is that limiting.
Breath of the Wild is alright looking but games like Witcher 3, Crysis 3, Astral Chain.

I’m not saying this pokemon game needs to look better but the Switch is a capable device.

I’m just going to say it but Video Game development isn’t special. “Crunch” is not unique to video game development at all and you can see it in ANY semi-creative project. It’s incredibly common in any software development for sure.

Meh. That’s no excuse. The community has piles and piles of suggestions that wouldn’t break the realism format.

Why are you upset by a premise that you just made up?

I doubt it. The animals would become less common, not more-so, pretty quickly.

I don’t believe that’s true exactly but it’s worth mentioning that the lives these animals are living are not worth living by any measure a human being would recognize.

Is it just me or is it weird that the article is written like these cows are being locked into a prison and forced to watch VR?

What’s annoying people isn’t that he created an app based on the concept/rules of the game but that he lifted everything, the name, the lot. (He’s cashing in on the “brand” itself basically)

Obviously the app stores were going to flood with worlde-like games in the next few months after Wordle’s success but what people

“...Some people are worried it’s the beginning of an across-the-board price hike, even if it’s one that’s been long overdue.”

There’s a quicker way to tell this story.

Urgh! I enjoyed both the Anime and the live action and only watched both in the last couple months as they came up on netflix.

Yeah there’s clearly no debate, it’s clearly them showing off their MetaHuman tool.
The perception of a “debate” is just part of the PR strategy

I imagine the reason is because you didn’t research your purchase properly before you made and you might still have it because you were pleasantly surprised by how awesome it is to have a console you can pick up and play anywhere you want?

There simply is no more convenient way to complete Hollow Knight or complete

I had to go google this update to find videos and images for what was mentioned in this article... just saying.

I’m up for this, i’ve been enjoying my occasional windows into this world. Not interested in playing LoL at all but totally down for a tag-team fighter. Still sad MK11 didn’t get tag team

I don’t get the correlation at all. We should want better practices for sure but why can’t we the public be concerned with what we consume still?

TBH if i was a developer working for a company there would be nothing more disappointing and frustrating for me than to find out the piece of art i’d worked on for the past

The question isn’t whether Epic/Fortnite copied Among Us... we all know this.

The question is WHEN will they copy Squid Game?

I’m more disappointed they stopped doing artwork with a random extra finger hidden somewhere.

I’m thinking the same. There’s lots of critic articles complaining about how it’s “more of the same” but, they don’t play games like normo’s like us do.

The rewind being too-much or too-little is what I felt too.

On the feeling of the tricks I think that’s a big subject that lots of people are giving very biased feedback on. One thing worth mentioning is that there is a lot more settings in this game for how everything is controlled than you might expect. So much imo,