It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't immediately follow the statement about it being an FPS with a clip in Third Person.
It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't immediately follow the statement about it being an FPS with a clip in Third Person.
... I rather think the spelling mistake was an intentional part of the joke.
I'm enjoyign the series. It's fun enough.
The best line ever is.
"Careful Mario! We're in Donkey Kong Country!"
Still makes me laugh a little. :)
It is a bit silly, it is meant to be though.
My criticisms are i'd rather see Koopa's than so many Shyguys and every gun-fight seems to have people turning around or crossing…
Unlike the present day all-white wearing bikers. ;)
You failed to answer my questions so I see no reason to believe my assumptions of your character are in anyway incorrect.
Your continued behaviour rather solidifies my point tbh.
P.s/ I have nor age, unnecessary or otherwise.
On what?
What do you spend your time on?
Jealously posting snide comments at people who actually concentrate and indulge their vision/hobby?... whilst you meander your way through life never committing to anything much and achieving nothing. Not even as much as those you'd seek to criticise.
Online games and modding dont' tend to go together terribly well.
Ah yes! I forget people play these games on console too. Sorry about that.
I have no idea what it's like. PC was definitely awful on PC though imo, not least of all how you HAD to pre-squad to get voicechat running too.
Ah sorry I see you're on a console. Sorry about that.
BF4 is a hundred times better for playing with friends than BF3 was imo.
Pre alt-tab and do it in battlelog that's what I do.
I haven't got an Xbox 360 or an Xbox one but it never occurred to me that the old 360 controller wouldn't work on the Xbox One.
Why can i plug a 360 controller into my pc and it'll work out of the box but the latest Xbox One OS doesn't allow it?
Just for the money on peripherals?
Nope, no one said it was okay. Point is the damage is done. It doesn't get better for complaining about it.
I think they just wanted to enable it as soon as possible because they had the server crashes fixed and they want to instill confidence in the community.
Actually the squadding up in battlelog was quite inconvenient imo for BF3.
The premium exclusive one was moved to this weekend actually so premiums got it in addition-to, not instead-of whilst the rest of us, including them, benefited for an entire week. :)
To be fair "not-working-on-dlc" is a bit suspicious when the first one came out as they made the anouncement and the second one "second assault" is already out on Xbox so... it's fairly safe to say they've already got the DLC lined up ready to go during this period.
This isn't true. If you don't finish a match you still get the EXP.
You just aren't given it until that match ends.
The ohk bug was fixed but there s another serverside bug apparently that looks lke a ohk to the victim. All bullets were fired by someone though, they just don't get communicated properly to the victim is all apparently.
A: Analogies are an awful way to make a point because they get twisted to easily.
B: They're working on it
C: The scope is in addition to the entire week of 100% exp buff, it's just a nicety they're offering.