
What's the survey about?

He said "random buildings", Batman has no reason to go into random buildings(which appears to be your complaint) he had plenty of reasons to go into buildings which he had reason to believe had criminals in, which, he repeatedly does.

It's ironic that you bring up GTAV as superior then make a complaint about the limited number of buildings you can enter.

It's not an easy task to take Freeze down without resorting to some of the more difficult takedowns like the reverse ledge takedown and such.

I think you're confusing map/game design with interior design.

My immediate response to the description and photos was Blue Steel too.

The last game had the Freeze boss battle what are you talking about?

I don't see why both can't be true.

I'm not complaining. I'm not sure why you all think I'm complaining.

... I feel like the message i'm trying to convey is already fairly self explanatory. Would you prefer pictures?

Is this payment to apologise for the dodgy start or just to get us to log in and bump the player count?
There's quite a lot of October left for people who've not even touched online yet or suffered the problems to benefit.

Apologies, apparently these comments get filtered if you browse to them via notifications. I see now spanking was mentioned. However spanking was not mentioned in the messages I responded to or the original post and the argument you put forward is still all semantics.

Getting into the semantics of what spanking is is all well and good but your elaise this is the first mention of it in this conversation?

Your either/or scenario is neither/nor and irrelevant.

Yeah! Totally!
As parenting tools go, beating is almost certainly the greatest... crutch for poor parenting!

I have to say i'm confused how a child so immature can end up on a minecraft game/server that anyone can join?

Whilst I understand you were being sarcastic I agree that this is evidence that there is something wrong with you...

As I say! I'm indifferent. Especially to publisher/developer level politics.
Also it's not really blame on the surveyed, it's justification which seems not unreasonable to me.

Agnette from Djerv is a metal Goddess! All should worship her awesomeness!

I have to say, I am entirely indifferent about this.