Never spoke out? She literally testified in public court.
Never spoke out? She literally testified in public court.
Still! Having a lot of cookbooks does not make you “addicted to books.” If one had her money, one could have a big, beautiful, in-home library.
Yeah I can’t hate on Dunham for this, I think it’s actually kinda awesome she did that, it kinda takes balls to email Hillary freakin Clinton’s people and say “yeah one of the people you’re hob knobbing with is a fucking rapist” (not her exact words but ya get the jist).
She paid for Keisha’s trial costs and acknowledged after her own case that she was in a privileged position. She also donated money to charities working with sexual assault victims.
I think for one, Time is a print magazine and needs to sell copies so of course they are going to pick famous faces for the cover along with non-famous faces, it’s how magazines are. And two, I thought her demeanor in court and her refusal to back down and be more polite with the details of what happened to her was…
She took a DJ who groped her in public and denied it (and his GF who was a witness also denied it) to court and won $1. As much Swift hate as there is, she did a good thing by bringing a sexual harasser to justice for a non-sum of money to show that she wasn’t doing it for wealth or fame, she was doing it because she…
This is what being an ally looks like! Thank you, John Oliver, for using your privilege to hold Hoffman accountable. For any men wondering ‘what do I do’, this is it. You speak up and don’t let abusers get away with idiotic responses.
But that’s the point. Sacha Baron Cohen wanted to make a Freddie Mercury biopic, Brian May wanted to make a Queen biopic. Those are distinctly different projects. Thematically, SBC and judging from the comments quite a few other people think focusing on Freddie Mercury makes for a more compelling movie. I appreciate…
Justin Timberlake is also not getting the heat Kate Winslet is for being in the new Woody Allen movie.
I have to be honest, and I’m sure I’ll receive flack for it, but I get what she’s saying. Yes, women should be able to walk into a business meeting (regardless of the unusual setting that it’s taking place in) and be safe.
*Make America Gulag Again
Kushner has the look of someone who blankly stares at the wall whenever no one else is in the room.
Have they tried calling the British Army to have them set fire to it again?
Speaking of rats in the White House, Michael Flynn just pleaded guilty to one count of knowingly and willfully lying to the FBI.
Thank you for being the voice of reason, yet again.
Based on people’s reactions to celebrities who re-home a pet (i.e. Pratt, Dunham, Markle) I suspect there will be a lot of comments unhappy with that advice to LW3, but it’s right and good. That family deserves better than to live with animals that attack them, and those cats deserve to have a home where they don’t…