Is anyone else getting tired of hearing how “painful” this is for the accused men?
Is anyone else getting tired of hearing how “painful” this is for the accused men?
In fairness to Trump, he (and definitely Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III) probably considers the prosecution of Klansmen who killed small black girls to be too heavy-handed and a miscarriage of justice, because, you know, there were bad people on both sides.
exactly. keep your hands to yourself.... just like we all learned in pre-school! how is this difficult?
Mike Pence does not have it right about any single goddamn thing in this world and the idea that his “rule” would prevent sexual harassment/assault is fucking wrong.
If only Jeffrey Tambor had been in a show in which his character was incarcerated for abusing his position of power and was constantly reminded of “not touching”.
I’m in a the so-called “nice section” of a a lower income city. I live down the road from a daycare and a middle school. Our streets are ultra-walkable and there are loads of little children as well as older kids strolling in the road after school. And there are speeders. People blasting through stop signs. Criminals…
Bread and butter issues. Traffic. Water. Housing. Garbage pickup. Animal control. Snow removal. This is what politics needs to get back to - government, not squabbling at each other.
Went to college with Danica, amazing human. Great campaign, great win. More to come from this woman!
His fingers sure look like the tips (just the tip) are touching her.
By your logic if you are fully clothed and I grab your chest I’m not “technically” touching your breast because you have a shirt and presumably a bra on. My hand never contacted your breast! There is 2 layers of clothing between your breast and my hand. I was just touching your shirt. It was a joke!
Her politics vs. his politics and the timing of this accusation culturally just don’t pass the smell test for me.
No, no we cannot. Because that doesn’t fucking matter. If we knew that one of the Moore accusers voted for Clinton and worked at the NYT and had a photo with Obama we sure as shit wouldn’t think that was a good reason to discount what she had to say. Fucking bullshit like this is the real test of whether or not you…
He’s grabbing her breasts while she’s sleeping. That’s more than just childish.
Or, just hire more women to do stuff.
Kill your darlings.
I’m already sick of the apologists claiming “It was a JOKE! He was on SNL!” like that makes it ok.
“Ali’s from Canada” nearly made me spit take. This was great. I’m sick of news people sitting there while ridiculous statements and claims are made unchallenged. Their job is to challenge them! Infuriating.
It’s weird - I’ve been a pretty thoughtful and bold feminist for some time now, and yet there are still pieces of my past that elude me. When I was sixteen, I was at a live-in Catholic informal liberal arts program where we started out with 20 students and ended up with 13 by the end of the year (so small and…
Well I be done seen about everything, when I see an elephant file.