
WALMART. I can’t even see that company’s name without experiencing a spike in blood pressure. Y’all remember when Sam was still alive and almost everything in that store was made in the US? Then he died and his kids took over and sent our manufacturing jobs overseas, costing Americans their employment and tanking

So fantastic! Thank you for posting this.

I’m an old lady in her mid-30's, and I would still hold hands with and kiss my best lady friends if they let me. I love them fierce and am very affectionate towards people I love. Everyone’s so stodgy now, so I have to keep my hugs and kisses to myself.

I’ll second, third, fourth this. Not one, but SEVERAL guys I dated / passed on in my late teens immediately turned their attention to my younger sister. She was cute, needy, and emotionally vulnerable. To this day, I think every one of those guys is dirt.

This is really insightful.

Any medicine is fine. They don’t have any medical prohibitions like Jehovah’s Witnesses or Christian Scientists. You’re just not supposed to, I guess, recreationally abuse caffeine (lol). Which, again, many Mo’s don’t even stick to these days, anyway. Utah is awash in Mountain Dew.

My mom explains away her Coke habit (not a coke habit, although that would be fun!) by declaring it “medicinal” to help stave off headaches. Yeah, Mom, those are the headaches of caffeine withdrawl. I get the same one when I don’t have my coffee.

Oh, they’ve retconned the “no hot drinks” rule in all sorts of ways. Caffeine is, indeed, what gets tossed around as the underlying reason for the coffee and tea prohibition. When I was growing up LDS in the 80's and early 90's, caffeine was the big bad. But these days, plenty of Mormons drink caffeinated sodas. So if

So yuck. I just don’t get it. Sorry your friend has a similar experience.

I’m sorry your mom is lame in her own special way. :(

Sure is! In the Mormon Word of Wisdom (tm), members are commanded (this is the actual scripture verse): “And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly.” That has been interpreted by their prophets as meaning coffee and tea. Those are verboten. Never mind all those antioxidants and assorted health benefits from

They did with my eldest. I had to put them on notice that it wasn’t acceptable and, if they persisted, would result in us not letting them have unsupervised visits. They backed off trying to convert my kids, but still do low-grade stuff like fuss when my kids “take the Lord’s name in vain” and spout religion-derived

“why your parent would choose religion over you is a painful thing to grasp.”

My parents choose religion over me and my kids all the time. They’re LDS, and I am ex-that. And while they never disowned me, and while they love their grandchildren, they choose religion over us all the time. They miss birthday parties

It’s teetering precariously close to victim blaming. “They shouldn’t even BE there.” I can’t. I just cannot. My bff and all of her family are caught up in this. They’re displaced (many households) and losing everything, but thank goodness the internet’s geniuses are here to enlighten us.

Nope. Nope nope nope. People live where they live, many of them in geographically vulnerable areas. How much of California is sitting on a fault line? How many people live in coastal zones? How many live in places prone to tornadoes, or drought? Nowhere is safe from natural disaster. New Orleans is a gorgeous,

This is the perfect 20/20 metaphor for so much of life. If only we hadn’t hit that damned iceberg. If only we hadn’t done that one thing that led to the destruction of something beautiful that meant a lot to a lot of people. If. Only.

I agree with your point. Selfie sticks are SO FUCKING OBNOXIOUS at sites, poking out there, threatening to clothesline the hapless tourist. The last few times I’ve traveled, I’ve made a point to offer to take photos of groups trying to do a selfie, and I’ve asked others to take my group’s picture. No one has ever been

I’m so sorry. This is a wonderful photo and will be a treasured memory. *hugs*

No one cares about your boner.

Awesome! I was just thinking yesterday that it’s about time to replace my mascara. I nabbed one of the Colossal something-or-others. $4 with the coupon. Available for Prime shipping, but I chose “no rush” to get a dollar towards my next Kindle book buy. Thanks!

Awesome! I was just thinking yesterday that it’s about time to replace my mascara. I nabbed one of the Colossal