
Why? Are you looking for a job?

It does seem rather redundant trying to be a princess at your wedding when you are literally a princess at your wedding.

Agreed. “Eugenie’s nuptial bash” sounds like a reception. This isn’t like some sort of formal court setting where the everyone sits around the bride statically and fawns over her and nothing else happens. It’s a party where lots of people talk to each other and not every conversation has to involve or be about the

Well this is much easier to focus on than having a pedophile for a father. 

Probably should be angrier at her rapist father

Did Meghan really take paparazzi coverage from Eugenie? I feel like Eugenie never got much media attention in the first place. Though I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that she and Beatrice don’t like Meaghan or Kate, there have been rumors for years about them hating Kate.

And I thought those people didn't believe in participation trophies!

Trump has accomplished nothing and feels he deserves to be on Mount Rushmore. There really is nothing more to say about it. This is America. 

I’m starting to think this Trump fellow may have serious mental health issues. Delusions of grandeur and so forth.

One day, they should build a memorial monument featuring the names of every American who died of COVID-19, and on the grounds of that memorial there should be a unisex restroom, and in that restroom there should be one toilet stall that is never, ever cleaned by the groundskeepers, and that fecund, shit-smeared toilet

How about instead of carving his face on Mount Rushmore, they make a statue of the baby Trump blimp and put it on the South Lawn as a reminder to future presidents not to be crybabies?

trust me, I know how you feel. but it is only a chapter in your life, not the whole story. dont worry about what future dates will think, if they think negatively of you for it, they’re idiots. a worthy person will understand and be understanding of you. 

This is the perfect answer. The only thing I would add is that a 27-year-old divorcee is not that unusual. And in your twenties the dating pool is huge. With lots of decent men! Which you deserve.

You did so much research on Panama, that anything else you’ve mentioned just seemed like a poor second choice, and I didn’t hear the excitement in your online voice when you’ve been commenting about anyplace other than Panama.

I never post here, but I have to say I'm concerned about you. Can you reach out to someone?

You don’t have to tell your future dates anything until and unless you want to.

Fingers crossed! And you are completely correct, this is no time to be rolling dice on insurance.

He’s bragged that he’s lived in Leelanau County his entire life. Leelanau County is 1% black.

Uggghh, my mom, sister, nephew, and brother-in-law are all out at a restaurant right now! While I’m uninsured with a medical condition that could leave me disabled if I were to contract COVID. It’s just a reminder of how I have always been expected to put up with shit, no matter the harm done. And I know it’s my fault

“That’s not a person whatsoever.”