I actually got a text message from the wife of a friend, whom I’d not spoken to in years, asking me to contribute to a gofundme she’d started to cover the costs of installing a pool for this kid to use this summer.
I actually got a text message from the wife of a friend, whom I’d not spoken to in years, asking me to contribute to a gofundme she’d started to cover the costs of installing a pool for this kid to use this summer.
I agree and I guess what one defines as a lot of work is subjective. There is probably some work that goes into preparing for engagements. Is it hard back breaking work? No, but it is still labor.
Um, I’m sorry.....”workload”? I know Kate is busy with the kiddos, but to draw any similarity between “royal duties” and the work involved in a regular person’s job is....a little ridiculous.
Please, they barely work. Kate gets plenty of holidays, she’s just never had a real job so doing anything feels like a lot for her.
Being anti-Tiegen is fine. No one has to like a celebrity.
Honestly, my first thought was “that probably has low ceilings. Look at that second floor”, which I guess makes me a luxury property snob?
It feels like Andrew being booted, Prince Philip retiring, and the Queen’s age and possible discomfort with technology have left K&W with a lot more work right now. I can't imagine QE2 ever doing Zoom video chats comfortably.
It’s ridiculous that now Kensington Palace decides to say a story is false but not with all the hateful press Meghan was getting. I guess the Royal Family isn’t all about “never complain, never explain.” Fucking hypocrites.
It’s ridiculous to lay Kate’s burdensome extra workload on Meghan. Meghan’s only been in the family two years, and much of that time was while pregnant and then on maternity leave. Isn’t the bigger problem that Kate and William are getting saddled with all the duties from which Andrew has been dismissed?
Remember that it’s also the party of “every human life is sacred, so abortion must be illegal in all cases.”
It is hellish though if you’re a faithful reader of McMansion Hell. It ticks all the boxes. The building in the foreground has a hipped roof but then extensions back and to the side. Mismatched windows in asymmetrical placement. Awnings, as if this were a department store in the 1920s. The sad trees isolated in their…
“Our capital stock hasn’t been destroyed, our human capital stock is ready to get back to work, ”
Yep. I work in PR/media for a big institution with a reputation to manage, and even though I’m pretty early in my career, there’s no way - no possible way - I would ever prep someone for a CNN interview, hear them say “human capital stock,” and not dive on that immediately and come up with better terminology. This…
Pink Ears, my darling, you clearly have been at a better class of conference center than I have!
That looks like the kind of crappy conference center where you’re stuck inside all day, bored to tears, can only intermittently heard the speaker, and the provided lunch is half a subway sandwich with extra sad lettuce and tomato, and your choice of mayo or mustard packet with off brand beverages too weird even for…
I mean, we’re all pretty much over Felicity Huffman’s guilt, right? She did the smart thing by getting it over with as quickly as possible, so it was way more of a blip on our radars.
I mean...she COULD, but her 12 million followers and the fact that she is actually funny and entertaining say she doesn’t need to.
Also I’m a fan of famous people talking about the downsides of plastic surgery and the upsides of not giving a shit about being camera-ready. Are you not?
“I don’t take the aesthetics so…
You are not wrong. Actually, agreeing to a plea deal during a pandemic is the first intelligent move these two have made in this entire debacle. Which tells me their lawyers got them to finally see the light. Not only is the public’s attention focused on more pressing matters, but it is highly unlikely either of them…
I hope I’m wrong, but cynical me says the only reason the Target Mossimos finally accepted a plea deal is that they know given COVID19 they will likely get house arrest, probation and community service instead of jail time. I will be genuinely shocked if they actually spend any time in jail.