
Do you mean the women he masturbated in front of? He didn’t get their consent. That’s why he went from top of the comedy world to pariah.

In my experience dads who are all, “Boys are all disgusting pieces of shit towards girls,” were/are, 99% of the time, disgusting pieces of shit towards girls.

The explanation makes more sense if you read the next paragraph... apparently the kid got poked with a needle and they had to wait in LA for test results after getting treatment, and that was at the same time that travel was shutting down. So sounds like maybe they were supposed to meet up in Idaho and she got delayed

Grifters gonna grift and NO ONE grifts as hard as the Trump family. I’m sure having sex with the Trump boys is something very few women would do for free.’re some social security cashing 67 year old medicare recipient who hates socialism, loves all things Trump and lives down south. I’d bet they’d do it

White supremacist branding

Yup. Who knew that running for Congress as a woman in a party that hates women would end badly?

Megan, Meegan, Maygan, Maigynne

Their children Brayden, Jaden, Aiden, and Kayden take offense at your brash generalizing, I’m sure.

Ashleigh, Ashlee, Ashley, Ayshleigh-Jane

He also said people who lost their job are on an “ENDLESS VACATION.”

I so agree with you. It would be great if the fears we all have would subside and life could go back to normal. My brother had to postpone his wedding until next year- I can’t imagine how that must feel to him and his fiancee. I’m having a baby in four weeks, and I’m going to have to worry about hustling out of the

I’ve mentioned this elsewhere, but the most pitiful thing about Trump posturing is how much he is flip-flopping and blinking instantly someone challenges him on it. Like seriously, this weeks time series has been:

My semi-favorite thing about this is that Trump just recently told during the press conferences that the state re-openings will be up to the governors and the White House will back their decisions up. This sure as hell doesn’t feel like backing that decision.

I’m not seeing enough commentary about how they named “Opening Up America Again” to deliberately echo his campaign slogans. They even intone it the same way when they say the title.

I would love to see my friends, sit in a bar, drive to the beach. I’d love not to wear a mask, worry about my job and my friends’ jobs. Hell, this was going to be the year of Europe! I want to see my extended family. I’m already sad and tired and really it’s only been 30 days. And down the road, things will open

Skipped the article and went straight to the comments for some reality.

I get it, there are not 15 peer reviewed studies that link vaping with being more likely to catch a severe case of coronavirus. But come the fuck on, that word “novel” that people sometimes put in front of the name is not referring to the coronavirus being a lengthy work of fiction.

If I could post on my phone I’d share a photo of a chest CT from last month. 19 year old vaper. Her lungs are TRASHED. It’s heartbreaking.

Um, guys.

Yeah that PPE can be used in far better ways right now. There’s not enough for people savings lives daily, there’s definitely not enough for elective procedures.