
Remember that “my God is bigger than coronavirus” preacher guy that died of same a couple of weeks ago? Yeah, I admit I laughed my ass off at that one.

Criminy, that last photo WAS all kinds of walking-dead, now, wasn’t it? The Orange One and his circus never ceases to amaze me at how half-assed and incompetent they can be. The ONLY way they manage to escape scrutiny is because Faux News keeps covering for them and Trumpists don’t know how to read or think

I can’t help but think that the Republican/Evangelical “reopen everything already because FREEDOM” types are unwittingly providing data for many future generations of epidemiologists. I assume in the future doctoral programs will say “no more dissertations on the Republican response to social distancing and COVID-19

As someone who works in a hospital on the front lines, the people ENRAGE me. Their behavior is beyond reckless. They are actively endangering my life and the lives of my colleagues. When they get sick (and some most certainly will), they will absolutely expect us to take care of them with total disregard for our

In the case of the protesters, while I don’t actively hope they get sick and die, I’ll also have a hard time mustering up much sympathy if that happens.

I wish all they’d done was ignore her.  They pretty actively sniped at her during the entire campaign.

I like all the links they put at the end of Barf Bags to the effect of, “Let’s have Elizabeth Warren handle this crisis!” or similar sentiments...after pretty much ignoring her in favor of Bernie for the entire primary.

A franchise that never attracted women or black people in the first place

I suppose I should at least thank you for giving me the chance to defend TLJ—a movie I think was just average—against stupid, ignorant criticisms.

a franchise that never attracted women or black people in the first place.”

Why does the presence of more than one non-white male character bother you?

I think she’s fortunate to be married to the third son, who is pretty far down the line. I don’t think as much was initially expected of her and Edward, so they were able to lead relatively quiet lives.

Minorities and women everywhere

projects that George and Charlotte aren’t quite ready to take on.

Yeah, the word “difficult” isn’t even in the article.

Princess Michael of Kent will be wearing a brooch depicting a jar of mayonnaise. 

Don’t expect a response from someone who claims it was too “woke”, because the only valid response is “diversity is offensive to me”.

What was “woke” about TLJ? The only thing “political” in that movie I can remember was that bit about war profiteering.

Yes, Grampa. I’m sure SJWs are stealing your medication. Don’t worry, I’ll chase them away before they can hurt you.