
My disbelieving laughter is tinged with faint horror.

When I was a kid, my best friend moved to a new house formerly owned by an elderly couple. The wallpaper in her room was this kind of paisley, but forest green and RAISED VELVET. It was truly horrible, was the first thing that came to mind when i saw this. 

I was all prepared to object... I love wallpaper and pink paisleys.  But a scroll back up confirmed.  Horrible.  Rich people have so many choices!  Why that?

The Karen “controversy” has been cracking me up this week. Nothing says “I’m a Karen” like trying to act like Karen is a slur.

I know wall paper has periodic resurgences in popularity, but that pink bathroom paisley needs to be taken out back and shot.

I guess you go with what you’ve got, but there’s no way in Hell that Aunt Becky and hubby can allege they’re not guilty of Honest Services Fraud.

This “outed as a landlord” shit is annoying.

They have ONE kid!! And Justin, for some of us normies parenting 24/7 is our every day. 

I’ve heard quite a few stupid, tone-deaf quotes from celebs during this crisis, but that JT quote takes the cake. You feel sort of blessed? Parenting without an army of nannies is hard? Shut upppppppp.

“In Japanese opportunity and friend with stage four cancer is the same word” - Gwyneth Paltrow probably...

It was so upsetting to see this crap when my friend’s sister was dying of cancer. Quack MLM basic bitch idiots would crawl out of the woodwork to offer coconut hull smoothies or lemongrass enemas as the cure for Stage 4 cancer, on a post where the family had asked if someone could volunteer to walk their dog on

DoTerra; the essential oil MLM for sure. Those lunatics call up their friends with life threatening illnesses and say “have you tried rubbing essence of oregano on your temples? It cures cancer, herpes, and depression". 

We are but the trifling haggises nipping at her ankles.”

Agreed. I already disliked her at the time, but the moment when she won the Oscar over Cate Blanchett just solidified how much nepotism and Harvey Weinstein were rife in Hollywood. Everyone felt Cate was so robbed that they just handed her one for a slapstick impersonation of Katherine Hepburn.
Also, if she were a

Serious question, had Gwenny been born a mereo mortal like the rest of us, which mlm would she be pedaling?

I don’t hate her. You actually have to care enough about someone to hate them.

Bitch, please. We don’t like you because you’re a tone-deaf, dangerous, pseudoscience-peddling hack. And you’re not that great of an actress either.

The type of person who has “permission to be exactly who they are” is a person who has not struggled to overcome hardship, prejudice, systemic racism, mental illness, poverty, violence or abuse, neglect, lack of access to health care, a subpar education, family caregiving, chronic illness, and so on. There were times

“I think what this wellness movement is really about is listening to yourself [...]”

I want to be clear here. I love pretty people! Some of my best friends are beautiful!!