
Correct..after his Nevada win where he had the wind at his sails and was leading both the primary polling average and taken a delegate lead he gave he speech where he said, “We’re taking on the whole damn 1% — Donald Trump and the Republican establishment — and we’re taking on the Democratic establishment.”

The fact that a lot of his supporters want to tear down the party if they can’t have him as the nominee is telling. Tearing down the DNC only helps the Republicans. Also, I’m skeptical of any group that wants to tear something down instead of building bridges and coalitions. If they really cared about furthering their

Since Bernie was never going to be the nominee, then it sounds like we were never going to have your vote. That’s too bad, but it means we (the Democratic Party) have lost nothing.

No, I’m not blaming Obama for picking Biden as his VP or anything.  

who only even became VP (and thus only had the inside track on this nomination) because Obama thought the country was so racist that he needed an old white guy standing by his side to chill everyone out

You had my star until “Tulsi.” 

Many Bernie Bros even attacked Warren because she used to be a republican, yet they conveniently leave out that she’s been a democrat longer than Bernie has

I’m hoping that this will mark him raising up a new crop of strong progressives, who push the country left in the next elections. The cynic in me wonders why he didn’t do that already.

To add:  Liking Bernie and disliking many of his supporters is surprisingly common as well.  There are ways he could have built a coalition, and not been surrounded by the next cult of personality, but he intentionally decided NOT to.  

“He behaves like he wants to break the Democratic Party up which, you know, is going to be unpopular with establishment Democrats.”

Yea this really grated on my nerves. A continuing example of

And even after he wanted to run it!

he bested Sanders in every state in the county.

C’mon. He didn’t just avoid singing their parties praises, he was actively antagonistic.

Jezebel pieces are written aaaalmost like a normal newspaper article sometimes, but then you get lines like “Many still unfairly hold Sanders accountable for Clinton’s defeat in 2016.”

I’m glad he was able to scoot the Democratic Party a bit more leftward but thank god he’s dropped out now instead of later in the year. We need as many people to vote for Biden as possible and dropping out early is the only way that is going to happen.

“and his tendency to avoid certain niceties—singing the Democratic party’s praises, buttering up the press—made him an abrasive figure for some”

Yeah, the tantrums have really been something to behold this morning.  I don’t even dislike Bernie!  But Jesus wept, some of these disciples.

His pissbaby supporters are all over twitter congratulating trump for four more years.

This primary has sucked. There seemed to be a real chance to either have some combination of (1) the emergence of a real progressive candidate enthusiastically pursuing a real progressive platform, (2) the emergence of a youngish leader for the party moving forward or (3) the emergence of a candidate reflective of the