
Again, having a nanny come to watch the kids during Shelter in Place is literally illegal in many places.

LOL I definitely appreciate that the life of the nanny and their family doesn’t even factor into the equation. Everyone should be sheltering in place. The CA order specifically states that childcare providers that do not live in with the family they work for should NOT be going to work during this time.

I am fully convinced all male stars that “get buff” for movies in record amounts of time are on steroids. It just makes it so much easier.

This is horribly irresponsible during a Shelter In Place order. 

Who filmed this? The same person who said it was “disgusting”?

The lifting weights and training part isn’t too bad. It can even be pretty enjoyable. But as a former wrestler, it’s the maintaining 8-10% or less body fat that that truly sucks. Of course, we didn’t track body fat percentage, but we had to make and maintain weight, which is pretty similar. Super strict dietary

look into the story of Chloe Ayling. Also English. Also a very strange story that many people didn’t believe. But her captor was aprehended.

And it’s not just the endless workouts, it’s the ghastly, restrictive diet! So plain and stripped down and joyless.

Don’t be! These are strange times, that no one could really emotionally prepare for. Most people’s routines are totally gone. Be kind to yourself, balance is a verb. You'll get back on track.

It would presumably be better if entertainers were not producing more entertainment, so that we would have more shelter-in-place time to play cards or something. Just in the last couple of weeks, I’ve noticed that Joan’s most unjustifiably nasty digs is are consistently aimed at young women: the bikini model who dared

Beginning to think there’s not one woman who, when you think about her and say, “Hm, her star was rising; I wonder what happened to her?” it’s not due to some form of sexual harassment or assault.

I’m lost—what’s wrong with the Mandy Moore video? Unless I’m missing something, she just sings a song. And uploaded it, like 17 billion other people do every day, except most of them are significantly less talented.

Is he still in the hospital? If so I believe they have social workers there you could being your concerns to and they could get adult protective services involved, if that's what needs to happen. 

I know I am being a bit of a conjecture bitch here, but gender reveals are stupid.  Why do we have them if we are not fussed about gender, its implications, its fluidity - does a reveal not put the potential newborn on a track of having to conform to something that may not work for the person in the future?  I have a

Good on her though for recognizing her privilege and donating $1 million to trying to close the gap somehow.

I think the thing I was most unprepared for in early middle age was all the heartthrobs of my youth impregnating women 8-15 years younger than them.  

She talks about how it’s unfair in her post.

gender reveals is stupid 

This is completely irrelevant, but as an Indian kid whose family is all vegetarian, that Temple of Doom scene always fucked with and confused me.

I’m a queer person (ace demipan) and I actually don’t think The Lord of the Rings is particularly gay. There is room in it for queerness certainly, but I always thought one of the things that makes the story so unique is the way that it normalizes tenderness in close male friendships. That’s something you don’t see a