
Prayers can be said at home. Reading of sacred texts can be done at home. Lots of churches/temples/mosques are offering online services. The only reason someone would call for huge gatherings right now  would be to pass the collection plate and scream “persecution!” when they are ( rightfully) shut down. People are

Yeah, all I can imagine is that these patients are complaining because they’ve never been pregnant and don’t know what a rocky and often-scary process an IVF pregnancy is even under the best of circumstances. And “I could die or kill someone in my family just by visiting the hospital” is faaar from the best of

In the medical school where I work, we are shutting down clinical trials at a depressing rate. I think we’ve put 40 oncology trials on hold over the last few weeks. These trials are not only the last chance many cancer patients have to survive longer, but they are also the source of improved treatments in the future.

First of all, I don’t think wanting a child is selfish (though i think trying for one in the middle of a global pandemic is a terrible choice.) I am sorry that this is inhibiting your ability to have a second child and I do wish you the best and hope that you have some luck conceiving once this passes. That being


I’m sorry but no. I dealt with infertility for over a decade and eventually had success with IVF, so believe me, I know this struggle inside and out. We were getting ready to do IVF again right when the pandemic hit, and now those plans are on hold. That said: we have significant community spread across the country. I

Seriously. I just fucking can’t with the general concept of thinking now is a good time to get pregnant or bring a child into the world, or thinking it’s ok to tie up medical resources in what is - sorry - an entirely elective procedure.

I’m one half of a lesbian couple who has been doing IVF (I don’t have very many eggs, but they’re good...why wife has tons of eggs, but they’re weird).

This. The level of entitled whining in this article is, frankly, sicking.

this resonates with me the most. I absolutely understand how time sensitive this is and how horrifying it can be to put something on pause when you might already be down to a few months of fertility, buuut, it is not a great time to tie up medical care with something that doesn’t *absolutely need to happen to save a

CNN ran a story about a man who might die without his scheduled living donor liver transplant because, while his surgery is medically necessary, the surgery to obtain part of his uncle’s liver is not. Our society and health care system is facing many, many difficult choices. IVF is not high priority, IMO. You may not

Agreed. This virus seems to spread rather quickly and silently. There may be regions that don’t have a high number of confirmed cases, but that doesn’t mean no one is sick. Most regions are already impacted, they don’t know it yet. And the ones that aren’t, will be very soon.

I really have an issue with Dr. Reed’s assertion that “...which takes issue with the ASRM guidelines for broadly recommending the shuttering of services, as opposed to accounting for regional differences in covid-19 spread, or considering whether or not individual clinics are using in-demand medical supplies...” We

Yeah, I can’t really get up the energy to be outraged about this when Planned Parenthood is being decimated and access to birth control and abortion are being absolutely fucking NUKED. Yeah, it sucks, and yeah, we’re all in this together, but your desire to have a baby does not trump somebody’s need for an abortion.

In both cases, abortion and fertility treatments, a woman wants to make a choice about her future.

I mean is now a great time to get pregnant? Like especially high risk pregnancies? I don’t have kids, but I know right now is an especially stressful time to get any medical procedure done, and getting a health care appointment for any reason seems like creating a risk for exposing yourself to getting the corona

Yeah, sorry, cry me a river but your fertility treatments are not a right, having children is not a right (unless you can naturally conceive them), and yeah it sucks if as a result of the pandemic some people might miss their window for fertility treatments but right now the focus is on postponing all non-emergency

I’m sorry, but no, you are not being singled out. If you’re not part of a heterosexual, fertile couple you can’t have a kid right now. That’s just biology. I’m single and turning 30 soon. I’d love a baby, but I have no way to have one. I’m not glaring at married, fertile, heterosexual people like “omg how dare

Yeah, it isn’t REALLY about class issues. It is honestly just a love story about dysfunctional millennials, and they happen to be from different social classes but note that they went to the same high school and college so its not like they are ~that different~.

It was very meh, but also upsetting (Marianne and her other boyfriends and her brother). And you just want to shake the characters. Just say what you mean! Communicate for once in your life!