Honestly, a lot of these just sound like people settled for a partner whose presence they could tolerate with breaks, but now that they’re forced to spend more time with them, shit is hitting the fan.
Honestly, a lot of these just sound like people settled for a partner whose presence they could tolerate with breaks, but now that they’re forced to spend more time with them, shit is hitting the fan.
I have a friend who likes to cook and entertain. The most important part for her is what the whole thing looks like from the table settings to the centrepiece to the way the food is presented. Aesthetically very pleasing for sure, but I would give her maybe a C+ for the actual yum of what she serves.
I find it sad and ironic that a "real" housewife is publicly pretending to not know how to mop a floor.
I cook and bake a lot—my pasta and salad and vegetables usually don’t look that ugly but almost everything I bake looks TERRIBLE. I transported cupcakes from New York to Rhode Island for a vacation and my friend was like “it’s okay they don’t look so nice, they were in the car for 8 hours.” NOPE they looked like that…
I might actually prefer to look at unsolicited dick pics over mirror selfies at the gym.
I have 2 comments to this dirt bag:
I mean, no one is expecting Charles’s reign to be long anyway. He’s 71 and unlikely to match his mother in longevity (both because he’s a male and also because Liz is simply unusual in her longevity) - at most, pre-coronavirus, I figured he would have 10 years MAX on the throne, which would make Will king in his late-4…
I agree with most of what you said, but come on, there are plenty of “non-youth” people in that photo. Boomers are refusing to follow the protocols, too. We had to have the talk with my mother-in-law last week and she’s a retired nurse.
dude, don’t even start with the rusty assed derpshit trolls, it’s not worth your time mate
Are you really this fucking stupid?
Bet the queen coughed in his porridge just to cling to a few more years in power.
He admitted to sexually assaulting women. One chamber has impeached him.
Me too!!
I have a friend with an M.D. who also holds some... uh... heterodox beliefs about medicine (though not as extreme). She came to the conclusion that certain practices in modern medicine aren’t very well-founded, and lack scientific rigour, so in her mind that invalidated large parts of the field.
At the risk of giving this asshole more exposure, I just wanted to use this Dirt Bag to ask how in the hell Kelly Brogan (Goop-endorsed unlicensed ‘holistic psychiatrist’) ever managed to graduate Cornell University with a medical degree WHEN SHE DOESN’T BELIEVE THAT INFECTION EXISTS.
I can’t believe that the Taylor Swift/Kimye drama round 2 isn’t here, I so badly wanted to watch the comments roll in that tonight. CNN even covered it today!
Block her! Seriously. Just block her ass. You can assert a boundary and tell her that you’re not available to discuss this with her... but you know she’ll just weasel her way around it. Block her and you’ll breathe better.
If it makes you feel any better, onw of my relatives is stuck in Honduras, relying on Delta to get one more flight out before their borders are shut down completely. It's a shitshow getting any communication to her. So you might be better off where you are than to be newly arrived in Panama. I'm going to stock her…