
Burr has denied having insider information, as has Loeffler.

Huh, disappointed in Evangeline Lily. She always seemed smart and switched-on.

Roughly, if he gave every employee $2000 a month for two months it would cost him about $20 million. That is a drop in the bucket for these out of touch money hoarders. Any billionaire who isn’t supporting their employees through this is a piece of shit.

Do you know that this guy’s net worth is almost three billion dollars...? He wouldn’t have a penny of that without his workers. I think he/the company should have offered some sort of part -wage stipend for a few months at least, and perhaps at least offered health insurance for even the part-time/contractors- which

Why do I suspect that this dude, as well as the company’s governing board, are going to get their usual bonuses this year?

“If they wanted to hide it they would announce a negative test result”

Sorry, didn’t mean to be insensitive at all. I’m just a cis man reacting to those smoky bedroom eyes.

Agreed, like literally none of this is accurate at all. Trudeau himself has been in self-quarantine for about a week now, it’s ridiculous to say that they’re trying to hide his illness when they’re explicitly making a point of treating him like any other potentially-infected Canadian. If they wanted to hide it they

Imagine all the Jez posts were proofread!

However, reports about Grégoire Trudeau’s illness mobilized an entire country to take better care of itself...

Lady Gaga just can’t remain single, can’t she? I feel like she goes through boyfriends like we do toilet paper, and they all turn into fiances so we know she dates these men seriously and not like a hook up. Whats going on there?

Do you hate literally everything? Giving away free cars is a “crime”?*

I’m less disheartened by their age difference, and more so by the fact that he’s a fucking mess. Girl, no.

Apparently she’s 31 so.... I guess she knows what she’s doing.

Is Affleck dating that young woman? Real talk: he looks like he could be her dad.

If I survive this pandemic, I think I’ll still be parsing this sentence when it’s all over:

This. I guess they’re super influential except for influencing their candidate into a nomination or something. Tweets aren’t votes, kids.

There have been Sanders supporters who don’t play nicely with others on the internet, who don’t realize that sneering at others who generally agree on many of the same lefty issues is not productive, who revel in the clout that comes with embarrassing some verified Twitter user over a lukewarm Sanders take. And I

This is also true. Some of the shit about Bernie Bros is overblown, but watching the way Warren got shit on in the stretch run of this campaign by Bernie supporters, culminating with Bernie supporters absolutely astonished that she was hesitant to endorse him was really something.  Like, you really have to take a step

Also, Warren can’t tweet without hate from Bernie supporters. It’s hard to shift support to him when you liked someone as amazing and who did so much as she has done when his supporters need reporting. Seriously, that hate can put such a bad taste in a person’s mouth, along with Bernie’s record of doing less than