
Her, of course. She’s brilliant and chic, and he’s a fifty something drunk who cheats on literally everyone.

I’m too old to date Alia Shawkat and I’m 10 years younger than Brad Pitt. I can’t imagine dating someone that much younger than me.

To have sex with the wife, she occasionally puts Brad circa Interview With A Vampire prior to our truffle shuffling.

If Alia and Brad are actually dating, I’m honestly not sure who I’m more disappointed in

As someone who relies on antenna for cable, I actually didn't mind this show. Until they killed his fucking wife for truly no reason other than a plot point to make him... more brooding? Like wtf. The entire government already died! What more did they need! 

I loved this show when it started, but it wasn’t a premise that had more than a couple of seasons in it, you know? And I say that as a big Kiefer Sutherland fan.

My mom is being careful, and we were joking today that she’ll mostly likely be fine living in eastern Connecticut, no one goes out that way, and houses are sometimes a mile apart. But I work in philanthropy in a hospital, and our donors are mostly elderly, and they all think everyone is reacting, or their worried

There is a documentary that ran last year on either the Smithsonian or National Geographic channel that called attention to the fact that most of the known forged Dead Sea fragments suspiciously were of the very few passages that involved homosexuality; like, why were so many “newly found” fragments all about such a mi

“Big Bidet”?

I’m just going to assume that neither you nor your baby are sharks...

So he was the worst houseguest ever because he didn’t go to college? Damn, harsh! 

“I climbed in through the kitchen window.

My husband, K, and I used to live in Japan - not a super-fun part of Japan, (our city had a disease named after it!) but we did have a few people come to visit.

I think that would be the woman who pissed all over the house. She came to stay for a few days; she had a cough that got worse during her visit, and kept everyone awake at night, but you know, we understood that coughs are not people’s fault and bore with it. We were less understanding about her insulting all of us ind

Wow. I had to read that twice to unravel the  “I’m my own grandpa” situation your step siblings have going on there.

I’m sorry, he sounds like an ass, but I can’t stop laughing at “he sat in a chair so long he broke it”. 

I hope you thanked your cat for standing up for you when you and your wife weren’t able to.

My sister-in-law is bi-polar/borderline personality/I’m not a psychiatrist but she blows her life up completely every couple years or so and completely flips out when people don’t fix it all for her by supplying her with endless money and/or resources that you don’t actually have, but to her if someone appears to be

With no warning my FIL came to stay with us soon after my first birth. I did not know the man, he didn’t help at all, and he sat in a chair so long he broke it. He is a swaggery old factory worker who warned me of the troubles of picking up my baby too much, interrupted breastfeeding, and went to the brewery in the

I’ve never had a guest room, and I have only had this for guests to sleep on: