
I think “severity of abuse” is also crappy determining factor because you can’t measure trauma based on the act perpetrated, but I get you need something. I mean, one could potentially argue, that the abuse could have been a contributing factor to why some of those girls never became elite gymnasts.

That’s what the Danish submarine man claimed: She hit her head while we were at sea, so I panicked and cut off her head then dumped the body!

Additionally, in 2003, Durst was acquitted for the 2001 murder of his elderly neighbor Morris Black, after shooting him in self-defense and then dismembering his cadaver and deposited his remains in Texas’ Galveston Bay “in a panic.”

I don’t think it means the kid is a raging homophobe, but it is homophobic. If the middle school white kid is calling people nigga or if a middle school boy is putting down his friend by saying he throws like a girl or cries like a girl, those kids can say they aren’t racist or they don’t hate girls, but they are

I mean, if you’ve never killed anyone before, I guess “panic dismemberment and dumping of human remains” is the go to scenario...

That’s literally what actual homophobia is.

You are describing homophobia.

I was (perhaps naively) surprised by him using that term - I guess I assumed that kids didn’t use that as a slur anymore.

I’m no doctor, but I think sitting next to Steven Tyler on a private jet might be more of a risk than the coronavirus?

TY didn’t know that. Still stand by what I said. “Girlfriend’s adopted daughter” is, if at all, only marginally less creepy than plain old adopted daughter. Ew.

You see this a lot. Particularly after 2016. Even more particularly on this family of sites. I get it, Trump is bad. Actively harmful. But I’ve got news for all the precious Gizmodo writers, Trump didn’t start it, he merely burst your little precious bubbles. There’s been bad and harmful shit for a long long time. I’d

Today is my 25th birthday...

This is crap, not a risk first off. But Im sick of the asteroid end it all stuff. Its equivalent to believing in the Rapture, life is hard but your special and the end is coming soon. You want to end suffering in the world get off the internet. Maybe donate some time or money. I like Partners in Health

Except hers may actually be enforceable and yours was almost definitely not. A non-compete for a lawyer is almost always going to be held as unenforceable as it runs against public policy and it would violate the rules of professional conduct as most states bar employment agreements that restrict a lawyer’s ability to

What will it take for people to wash their hands of him once and for all? When Dylan was a child, it was easier to shrug off her accusations as the possibly vindictive yarn of her scorned, manipulative mother. It was easier to know maintain ignorance of the full story because information was not as accessible as it is

...You're struggling to understand how Disney mistreated teen stars, when, in your own words, Disney regarded them not as humans but as a product? Have you just not had your coffee yet to not get how that comes across?

They’re both pretty high-profile right now so I think, from a news standpoint, they’ve had a bigger impact doing this than if they hadn’t attended to begin with.

I’m going to see Portrait of a Lady on Fire today in honor of these absolute badasses.

Aww, thank you. Looking back, I’m really glad I was holding him when he died. I think it would’ve felt worse to me if he’d been all alone, you know? I guess that was my first experience with death, though I never realized that until just now. We ended up getting another OES later on, and even though I would sometimes

That fucking asshole. I’m sorry he treated you like that, and I’m sorry he did that to you.