
Thanks for this. I sort of feel like since I didn't question it at the time, I have no right to be upset by it this far down the line. I'm really sorry you went through that, but thanks so much for sharing with me - it makes my reaction feel validated, if that makes sense.

Does anyone have any experience with realizing, months after a sexual relationship, that certain things that happened (that you thought you were ok with at the time) maybe weren't ok?

And how are we defining 'pile'? Because 2 would probably be more of a 'stack'.

Wow, that is terrible. Your poor friend. I remember going to get my 3 in 1 booster as a teenager and not being too happy about it (I knew it was necessary, but I am not good with needles). While we were sitting in the waiting room my mum handed me a leaflet about tetanus. And diphtheria. And polio. After I'd read

my friend took me aside and told me to stop being such a melodramatic twit

Particularly Mr "I'm going to make your wedding day all about me." Barf. Dude, you had one wedding with her, let her have this one without your creepy letter.

The way he's shaking his head makes my blood boil. You know you did it! How can he be so incredulous!

If you have to argue the extent to which he was a father figure in her life, it's creepy.

While there is plenty of full frontal female nudity on GOT, I'm not sure I've seen that much actual bush. Apparently there are a lot of good waxers in Westeros.

Right after that, I cleaned up and went for lunch.

You're quite right, sorry. I was more focused on the dreadful tattoo than its placement! I think, arm/leg misunderstandings aside, we are all united in our opinion that this guy is a colossal douche.

Also, he has this tattooed on his forearm.

Thank you for confirming what we all suspected. And yeah, that tattoo is bafflingly NSFW for an arm tattoo!

I was (perhaps naively - or maybe I've just been desensitized to douche) thinking he didn't sound too bad. Until ....poetry...I think: hmmm, warning sign?...personal femme fatale. Hahaha, nope.

Ew. So much ew. What reaction are they expecting?

Just when I think you've reached peak hilarity, you do a think like this.

Urgh. I know you're right. Why is it so hard for some people to get down off their high horse and have some sympathy?

My head just exploded with rage on behalf of your cousin. What a terrible thing to say to someone. How do these people sleep at night?

That little speckled nose! Those tiny feet! I love how frequently there will be a random dog photo in the comments here.

You are correct.