
Oh my god. That is incredible. I'm remembering this for future use when I have no fucks left to give.

If anything, this confuses me more.

It's been a while since I had one, but I went through a phase of having some really nasty ones quite close together, and the paranoia has never left me. When I first slept with my current man-friend he was a bit surprised when I immediately leaped out of bed to go and pee.

Yep, when my dry spell ended recently I remembered what it was like to be having sex again. Constant fear of UTIs. "So, that sex was fun, right? Oh god, was that a burning sensation?!" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ is how I will answer people who ask why I'm voluntarily moving back in with someone who cleans the sharp knives before breakfast.

Wow. I really think you should check with your roommate before storing urine in their belongings.

You can't just throw that out there with no further details.

Nothings says celebrity like advertising as a babysitter on craigslist.

I said I had to ask, not that you actually had to tell me! If it makes you feel any better, I lost my virginity while almost all of my friends were hanging out in the next room. Thin walls. Very college.

Now I feel compelled to ask: which song?

That is interesting, not sure whether I believe it either. Luckily I usually have flatmates, so I feel safer knowing I could scream for help. But I never sleep with total strangers (yet - rules get broken, as you know).

Wow, you are definitely a cup half full person! You're awesome.

I blame too much CSI for the time my friends asked before a date "Are you going to go back to his place?" and I said "Are you crazy? He might murder me. If we go back to my place and he tries to kill me, I can just scream for my roommate."

It's objectively terrible in almost every way. But I'm still struggling not to watch it all in one go...

I think I win on loving terrible terrible films.

If it makes you feel like less of a cliche, the first date venue for me and my current man-friend was the steps of the Duomo in Florence. We'd better not get married, it would be too twee for words!

I admire your bravery in only peeing a little.

I would like to marry this suggestion.

I might start using this over-friendly over-literal approach on purpose, just to see the bafflement. "I'm terribly sorry, I don't have any sugar with me. Have a nice day!"