I get that from more distant family members about my modern languages degree. Yeah, Grandpa, there's no way being fluent in 3 languages could possibly be useful. Thanks for pointing that out...
I get that from more distant family members about my modern languages degree. Yeah, Grandpa, there's no way being fluent in 3 languages could possibly be useful. Thanks for pointing that out...
Once I dined on you
I mean, it's unlikely, but wouldn't you feel a right twat if a radioactive potato did kill you?
I asked my med student friend about pooping during labour and she said "there's usually too much blood for anyone to notice" which really reassured me. Since I'm not reproducing for a long time, I've chosen to believe that she was fucking with me.
Thank you for reassuring me that I'm not a pervert, since I spent a full minute giggling about how "hot beef sundae" is clearly a euphemism for something filthy.
I once (super briefly) dated a guy called Norman and when we first met I had to ask him his name about 4 times because I couldn't believe that anyone under 50 was called Norman.
All of my failed theatre dreams, and this is what I'm most jealous of. Love The Full Monty.
Yep, clearblue or the suggestion that I sell my eggs. What have I posted to make them think I am that goddamn fertile?
First post: "If not I'd be happy to explain why I know it's not written by a guy"
That sounds excellent. I love how 'doing a Downton Abbey' is a thing now.
Cats and Dogs is an amazing film! But that really puts into kids the same age watching zombie films into perspective.
I've heard that that's kind of silly, but fun anyway. I may add it to my list of things to watch once Mad Men and Mixology finish.
That sounds like an unavoidable crime of passion. I really don't think you'd get convicted.
Ooh, is that the one with the guy who plays Henri in Mr Selfridge? Yes please!
How adorable! (Which is really easy for me to say when my apartment isn't the one she's trashing!)
What are you guys watching tonight? I just watched Greetings from Tim Buckley. I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy it, since I don't know much about either Buckley. I'm currently a mess from the last scene hitting me right in the feels, so I guess I liked it.
I am very jealous right now. What a precious little baby. Does she have a name yet?
Thanks, Mark. I now have something to direct people to if they doubt my deep need for a corgi. This just became Exhibit A.
Won't someone please think of the gnomes!