
You need to find a Quentin.

What crazy world do we live in where people don't expect real cheese on their pizza?!

And once they are damp, they are damp for days. Damp and cold. I say this as someone whose other shoes broke as she arrived for a week long trip to snow-covered Berlin. I thought my feet would never dry.

In a minute he'll start saying what he really thinks, which is that women don't want to see dicks because they don't enjoy sex/anything sexual.

Wow. Attention seeking and passive aggressive? How did you let that one slip through your fingers?

I get way too much life advice from HIMYM (even if a lot of it is "the opposite of what Ted does? Yeah, do that").

Does your friend have a death wish? I cannot understand why anyone would do that!

I'm glad. I know I have no experience to help advise you on this particular issue, but when I read your post I had to say something and offer my support. It was one of those things you can't just scroll past and ignore.

I just wanted to say that it sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders, and are really strong. Stay strong, keep him out of your life, and definitely use any college counseling facilities. I did last year for anxiety issues that I didn't feel I could talk to anyone else about and it helped me so much. People

Wouldn't we all?

I wasn't paying attention, so to start with I thought it was a few squares of chocolate. I was horrified.

There are people who wear yoga pants to work?

I'm doing a victory dance for you right now. That is some well-deployed sass.

Thank you! I was just on the way to say this. The reasoning sounds familiar, doesn't it?

All my friends here in the UK had to provide their uni with vaccination records (including MMR) to be allowed to attend. Some people still get mumps, but it was 2 in my whole university last year. Allowing unvaccinated people to move into dorms is insanity. Once one person is sick, their whole floor is sick, in my

Being from the UK, I can safely say I would not have been able to have this conversation in person. It would have ended as soon as it started with some nervous laughter and a clumsy topic change, i.e. "Um, ok, hahahaha....are you hungry or is it just me?"

I will definitely have a look. I do love the openness of conversations with my fellow jezzies!

Thanks for this. Hearing other people's experiences is always helpful. As for the vibrator suggestion, it's not something I'd ever really considered (not sure why), but maybe I should.