
I think you'll find I'm Cassandra. Seriously, though, have you seen the film? With Henry Cavill (i.e. Man of Steel) as Stephen? I think you have to have read the book to get the most out of it, but I love it passionately.

Thanks, this has definitely given me some things to think about, particularly regarding my own boundaries for when I feel disrespected. These are definitely the things I need to consider while I work out if casual sex is for me - an actual relationship just wouldn't fit in with my life right now, but that doesn't


And I thought my brother accidentally going on Christian group nights out was awkward...

Is it possible that your husband wasn't aware of what a big step this was and how much it meant to you? If you like how you look in them (and you must to have bought them), then you wear them. And a huge well done for conquering your insecurities enough to buy them in the first place.

It is way too gorgeous to languish at the back of the closet! You could always mention it to your friend and see what she says, but I don't think it's tooo formal - it's long, but not a ball gown. (But yeah, I wouldn't wear it to brunch. The crumbs!)

You sound awesome. Enjoy your sunset sail (which also sounds awesome).

Does anyone have any advice on casual sex/one night stands? I've only ever slept with one serious boyfriend, and since that ended I've been on a few dates, but never felt comfortable having sex with those guys. Now I would like some sexual encounters, but don't want a boyfriend. I just don't know how to go about this

I think it's lovely - I love the colour. It looks like the kind of dress that can be dressed up or down, so with flats you should be fine.

You're not horrible. I was very moved by the video, but I'm pretty sure that I would abort too.

I am never leaving this comment section.

Ok, that settles it. I need you in my life. Get yourself to Italy right now.

I've never done anything for St Patrick's Day either, but this year I am abroad in a city with a lot of Irish pubs, the reassurance that no-one at home need ever know (short of actual prison time), and a strong desire to (at least) make out with some random. I will report back.

I am giggling like a maniac at the image of Bob suddenly sitting up and screaming that he puked everywhere. The cat is genuinely concerned (and he hates me). Bravo.

"Nobody knows who I am" - I am never mixing red and white wine.

Ok, I was wrong earlier. THIS story wins.

I imagine six pairs of panties made peeing in alleyways a bit more complicated? (I know the peeing story is a different year, but I assume every year involves some peeing in the street)

This story wins everything.

Well now I'm going to shout "Gender is a construct, you fascists!" next time this happens to me. I have also been known to call one of my male friends an 'oppressive face of the patriarchy' (somewhat slurred) when drunk. Apparently.

I love everything about this story. Everything.