
Urgh, I know what you mean. I just found out that a guy I went on a few dates with has been telling his friends (some of whom are mutual, hence me knowing) that I 'talk about my problems too much'. Whatever that means. What actually happened is that I got a bit freaked out at how fast things were moving (in the

Reading it now. Don't know how I missed it before. You go! I can't believe how unnecessarily bitchy she gets. Well done for calling her out and getting a conversation going about it - a lot of people agree with you.

I know! I don't think I've ever found myself thinking "oh that moustache..." before.

My god. They are beautiful. And also fabulous. To Sweden!

Oh, that. friend has not.

He learned a dance for her. If that isn't love, I don't know what is.

I mean, it has its place, but why would I want anything that isn't chocolate anywhere near my dessert?

I would really like to think (as a youngster myself) that most young people are too sensible for most of this stuff. On an unrelated note, what exactly counts as a public place?

The only problem I have with fruit is that it isn't chocolate.

So true. I'm 20 and already sick of this, not because I want to settle down, just because I want to know what is going on. Do you want to be with me? Then just tell me! You don't? I'll live. A friend of mine refuses to refer to his last few sex partners as girlfriends. Call me crazy, but if he went on dates with them,

Probably only the first time.

Cuths. It's always Cuths. I heard about the "it's not rape if" scandal. The comments on the Tab article about it were so depressing. It's amazing how viciously people will fight for their right to say whatever comes into their head, even when faced with rape survivors explaining how harmful and upsetting that incident

I'm Hild Bede. There is a lot of money over intelligence going on. I am trying to make the guys I'm living with next year aware of issues that affect people who aren't them. I don't think one or two of them will ever get it, but I think I've made slight progress with one.

Ah, those reasons. It scares me to think that these are supposed to be some of our most intelligent young people. And they think "I am confused about what feminism is" is a valid reason. Also, "you'll try and change things" - as if change has never been a good thing! *rage*

Ah yes, I remember reading about that ridiculous 'controversy'. I can't even recall what bullshit reasoning they used to argue against a feminist society. How could that possibly be problematic?! (sidenote: is it just for Castle students? wanting to get more involved in my final year)

I'm 20 and Girls scares me slightly with the thought that my life will probably still be that ridiculous in 4 years. This shit is exhausting!

Your anecdote about the Women's Center reminded me of when one of my male friends at college heard I was doing a feminist literature option and tried to make a joke along the lines of "when do you study the man..innist(?) literature?"

I'm so sorry for you and your family. The only advice that I can offer is to be kind to yourself and that there is no wrong way to grieve. Don't beat yourself up about your reactions, just do whatever you need to. Thinking of you.

Awesome, well done you! It sounds like you needed some good news, and I'm glad it happened for you. If I ever graduate (haha, *pours another drink*) I'd love to work with books. A job that involves something you love? That's pretty much the dream, as I understand it.

Thanks for the response. It's good to know that other people haven't had problems - messing around with this stuff can be a bit intimidating!