Thanks, a good chat about what experiences other people have had is always really helpful.
Thanks, a good chat about what experiences other people have had is always really helpful.
Thanks so much. I've been on the pill for years but only started planning ahead and skipping periods more recently. Hearing other people's experiences is really helpful.
Thanks, sometimes comparing notes is necessary.
This is great to know, thanks. I don't have anyone to talk to about this sort of thing where I am right now, but I knew my fellow jezzies wouldn't let me down! Have a nice weekend.
I have no wedding plans (or even boyfriend) but I need this dress in my life!
Hi everyone! I have a pill question, and I don't really have any girlfriends where I am at the moment. I am going on a trip soon which should coincide with my period, which I would rather avoid. Normally I'd just run 2 packs together and skip a period, but I also did that last time. I've never had issues skipping one…
...suppressing sudden urge to make a baby...
This might just be the cutest thing I've ever heard.
I've had an...interesting day, and that comment just cracked me up. Thanks and goodnight.
So true. If I wasn't way too young to get married without my parents freaking out, I'd have married my last boyfriend. Luckily that was never an option, or it would have been a divorce instead of a break-up. You live and learn.
This is pure gold. You are a genius.
I will forever use it as a lesson in being prepared. Unfortunately I didn't have any blank paper handy, so it's written on the back of a note telling me that my package couldn't be delivered.
I always keep a pen in my purse and, thanks to that, I now have a signed note from an old flame I bumped into this Christmas declaring that I am sexy. You never know when you'll need a pen!
I need you in my life! You can guide me through my 20s with words of wisdom and vodka.
We used to have some. They are...extremely eccentric. And hilarious.
Wow, I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that. People can be such unsympathetic dicks sometimes. *hugs*
I have such a thing for men with red hair. My friends take the piss, but they are missing out!
I'll be your single friend! And I intend to be for at least the next 2 years, so we can bake our way through so many holidays together.
I'm white, young looking, small boobed and live in a smallish city. I'd love to know how you're managing to avoid this!
I was in Germany recently and under a street sign for "Adolfstrasse" there was a little sign explaining that it had been named after a local hero in the late 1800s, i.e. "not that Adolf, guys".