
And then the "I think that's a good idea." Oh dear. I look forward to seeing how that turns out.

I need to get me to a ski lift!

The past few days I've eaten chocolate Santas, pizza, a tub of ice-cream and a jar of chocolate (don't ask) and I'm going for curry tonight. Sometimes a bad week is necessary.

Do it! I have recently become a lot more forward, and it's working pretty well for me (although I'm only in this town for a limited time and once I leave, any embarrassing stories stay here, both of which help with my 'go for it' attitude). Fingers crossed!

Ask the hot guy from your book club! Say you want to go but can't find anyone to go with, see what he says. Nothing ventured.

I've now spent more time than I care to specify staring at J-Law's breasts looking for the freckle. Oops.

Oh my god. I've never seen that one before and I'm having a very...intense reaction.

Now playing

I think that one is really good. I see this one, aimed at teenageres, on TV quite frequently, and think it's very well done as well:

Yes! That is style, my friend.

Now you can call it a "royal tooth". Even classier.

Did she play the kazoo during the ceremony?! I have to know!

This is so all-purpose, I love it. And I don't need to worry when I'm travelling, because it's pretty easy in most languages! Thank you for your wisdom.

Sadly English is not the language spoken in the office, so I can't even say things like, "Go Deep is turning out to be quite exhausting" or "I never realised how much effort went into Go Deep" until I come home and cackle about it.

I, too, am 20, and this horrifies me. I ended a serious relationship fairly recently and I'm so relieved. He was amazing, but it came down the the fact that my plans don't fit with his and it was too much commitment for a 20 year old. I wonder how many of these girls have thought through what they want from life apart

Where are you from? Because as a Brit (who admittedly has a very dirty mind and no interest in sports) that was...not my first thought.

This has made me strangely homesick for the UK. It's just such a bizarre place.

On the topic of different meanings, I really need to vent about the fact that at work today I was working with an article on a project for an international company. The project has to have a trendy English name, obviously. It was called "Go Deep". And I was the only native English speaker, so I had to pretend that

That is absolutely hideous beyond words.

This seems to be the epitome of presumptuous, to me.

I saw this picture somewhere else and was like, why is no-one talking about how young they are?! Each to their own, but people only slightly older than me getting engaged freaks me the fuck out.