
Yeah, I'm just not used to any sort of conflict in this area, since I was in a very comfortable relationship for most of the last couple of years. But if I got over the end of that (a real actual thing), this should be a breeze. Oh I will, I feel like we're down the rabbit hole now, no going back. And it was always

Now playing

I will say to you what I say to anyone who doesn't see it (so apologies if we've had this conversation already). Neither did I, until this happened:

I am both proud and ashamed to get this reference.

I feel like I've been fairly responsible in my life so far, and you regret the things you don't do more. However much heartache it causes, if I do actually sleep with him it'll stop it become this massive "if only I'd..." thing. (also, and this cannot be understated, he is very hot and I'm very curious) Not that I'm

I don't know. The first time this happened with the guy I live with I stopped it before it went far, this time I was quite hesitant but thought I could move up to sex eventually. Clearly that was too slow, since he announced that he was going to sleep and said something along the lines of "If you can't deal with it,

I'm fairly sure he doesn't feel the same. Before and after last time he was talking about asking out some other girl (yes, please tell me more about how beautiful she is...). I'm not sure it's worth talking about since I'm moving out fairly soon and then I'll probably never see him again (an idea that causes equal

I feel your pain. Update for you: had another drunken make-out with the guy I live with who doesn't feel the same. Awkward. Not feeling as put-together as I sounded last time we had this conversation. I'm also worried that I'll never have sex again, but a period of celibacy seems better than the pain/confusion that

Germany, this is why I love you. I'm in Germany right now and I will use this asap.

I like your style.

Urgh. This has just reminded me that my flatmate called me frigid the other day. Yeah right, I'm sure this has nothing to do with me not fucking you (despite your best efforts) when you were drunk the other week. Real fucking mature.

Are you 100% sure it wasn't him?

Alas, I'm in Germany. Still, plenty of Lebkuchen and Milka. Milka cake may have been the best discovery of my life.

So true. I've never been thinner than right now, and you know what? I'm fucking miserable. I'm trying to be more in control and stop skipping meals, but I think it's some kind of reaction to the fact that there's no one around who cares enough to make sure I eat. But according to Fit Mom, my life should be pretty much

I just wanted to say not to feel bad about feeling sorry for yourself, and that I'm thinking of you. Sorry you're going through this.

Excellent. I'll bring ice-cream then.

So right. I'll join you in the corner in 5. Just got to fetch the vodka....

I have half a jar of caramel that's lasted longer than the guy who gave it to me due to the shame I feel at eating a whole jar of caramel.

Don't get me wrong, it's taken quite a lot of being pathetic, as well as ruining things with a guy who was actually interested, to get there. :)

Thanks, don't worry, it's not too bad. It's just awkward at the moment because we had a drunken make-out last week which he tried to turn into a hook up. I turned it down (all the willpower necessary!) because, much as I like him, I want someone to want me for more reasons that drunk + there. So now I advise him on

If it makes you feel any better, I'm currently miserable over someone who lives with me but does not share the same feelings. Very pathetic.