Oh dear. Having just bought myself a dress for no reason, I could have done without being introduced to these! How gorgeous. I got my sister the Pride and Prejudice poster last year: http://www.theliterarygiftcompany.com/pride-and-prej…
Oh dear. Having just bought myself a dress for no reason, I could have done without being introduced to these! How gorgeous. I got my sister the Pride and Prejudice poster last year: http://www.theliterarygiftcompany.com/pride-and-prej…
I feel like these would make my sexcapades 100% classier/more awesome.
Oh god! Weeping with laughter.
It's fucking glorious.
This might be my favourite comment in the world. I would at least be tempted to do the same. It's just not what you're expecting...
I had a bottle of rose while watching Batman Begins and The Dark Knight with my flatmate. Also lots of biscuits.
Maybe you could learn some magic and surprise him?
I am in love with this dress. The only question is whether I can wait for Christmas...
I'll say to you what I said to my sister when she felt like she didn't have a 'good reason' to break up with her boyfriend: Relationships are meant to make you happy. If it's not making you happy, what's the point?
Considering he was joking about these books the other day, I'm now very concerned that my roommate will graduate from reading me sections of Lady Chatterley's Lover onto something like Nailed By A Velociraptor. Oh god.
It's like the whole padded bra thing. "Now your top is off I realize that your boobs are slightly smaller than I was led to believe when you were fully dressed. I feel deceived, so I will pick up my pants and leave" said the guy who was in my bed on Monday.
Why isn't this my life?! You are awesome.
This is the best story in the world. I'm so glad it ended with pizza.
In protest I'm now going to announce that I "had my way with him" every time I have sex.
Sounds very similar to my break-up a couple of months ago. We were only together for 2 years, so I know it doesn't really compare to yours, but I did think we were going to end up together (stupid, I know, but first love will do that). I thought I wanted to settle down with him and then realized on my year in Europe…
Also, I cried all over my colleagues at my new job and my (extremely hot, but that's a different story) roommate. No-one really minds. They've all been there.Or maybe I have no shame. Either way, chocolate oranges are the best.
I just wanted to say that I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years in September and the first month was constantly awful, and the next few weeks were awful on-and-off. However, I am now realising that he is not the guy I was meant to marry and, frankly, there are things I was missing out on with him. I'm just saying…
Recommended just for "Satan's jizz". People who put mayo on everything are just wrong.
Admittedly, I haven't seen Scandal so I'm not aware of how their relationship has been presented so far, but to me the whole "she wouldn't just be around him without doing/saying anything" idea is telling women who have been raped how they should behave - like we need more of that. I find it very easy to believe, and…
Hild Bede doesn't really have a reputation. I think there is a link between how widespread this attitude is at the uni in general, and sense of entitlement of all the rahs. The comments on the Tab article about it made me want to BURN EVERYTHING.