
Fellow Durham student! Seriously though, what the fuck are they thinking?!

Obviously I can't speak for other people, but when my friends and I use "sharking" we just mean going on the pull, and are more likely to use it to make fun of our own awkward attempts at chatting people up than to refer to anything predatory. Again, I can't say what the participants here meant, but it's not

Sample sentence (ideally spoken while drinking wine from the bottle at a party): I'm just a classy bird.

I don't know what to say other than that I have my fingers crossed for you about the MRI and that I am ridiculously invested in your relationship with this guy. Good luck with everything!

Hiddles brought me and a new colleague together in the same way, and now we're seeing the second Thor film together next week. He just keeps giving (didn't mean it like that, but...oh my...).

Last year was my second year and I felt so alone and miserable for similar reasons - whole friendship group fell apart, didn't know where to turn, put a lot of pressure on my studies instead, etc. Other people have already suggested clubs, and I agree with that. But the thing that I really want to say is, if you feel

Your little dragon is gorgeous! Great family costume.

There really is a gap in their advertising campaign: #clearblueconfirmed NOT PREGNANT #ohthankgod #i'lldrinktothat

Yeah, where's the photo of the woman with a 'not pregnant' test in one hand and a bottle of celebratory champagne in the other?

Exactly, I imagine it going something like - "Why don't we do xyz?" "QUIET WOMAN I'M GETTING THINGS DONE!"

Have you ever tried to build a barn without using a large erect penis? It's a nightmare.

Maybe it's a really elaborate sabotage?

Maybe this is because I study foreign languages, but I love foreign guys. I don't know if it's the accent, or the fact that we immediately have something in common (because if I meet them it's usually because one of us is traveling) but seriously - I don't care where you're from - as long as it's not here, take me now.

I know, it's almost like they want teenage sex to go unpunished!

Haha, you're welcome. It was posted on here a while ago. I think I listened to it about 4 times before I absolutely had to leave to go to work. It was a dreamy commute...

For me the turning point was him reading the sonnet. *sigh*

I read an article a while ago (I forget where) that basically said that she has no real musical talent at all, but what she does have is balls, and you have to admire that.

I'm now really confused by how common the phenomenon of having to claw your way out of a rotting animal seems to be...

After scaring myself shitless reading all of these stories, your anti-ghost story was hilarious! Dogs are the best.

In Britain they also come in tubes. Delicious, delicious tubes...