
This is exactly the right attitude. I can't believe what an alien idea it is to some people that being alone is being better than being in a shitty relationship. I have friends who will put themselves through hell being with a loser just so they're not alone. I felt sorry for them when I was in a good relationship,

I really get this. I've got a date next week with a guy, and I don't know what it is about him, but for some reason I just really want to wear his t-shirt around my room. I think that might have something to do with how much I want to get him out of his shirt/everything else...

Yes! My roommate (has slept with everything) was telling me that sometimes he likes just watching a girl undress herself without helping. My (have slept with 1 thing, getting nervous about moving onto no. 2) reaction: me peeling off my skinny jeans will result in falling over.

Good for you! Last night I kissed a guy who drunk-me remembers as pretty much being James Franco (minus the attitude). We are awesome!

Just checked him out on facebook in the cold light of day to see if he looks as much like James Franco as drunk me remembers. He kind of does. God I'm awesome!

I just want to say hello everyone!

Just when I thought I couldn't love her more.

I really want to offer you some words of support, but I don't know what to say. I will say that I feel like I'm heading down the same road as you. The wistful thoughts about how much weight I lost when I was really ill a couple of years ago - it was so easy! I'm currently losing weight because of the stress of living

As someone (unintentionally - I want to be clear that I'm not starving myself) on the break-up diet, I second stress as a method.

I'm going to Florence. Don't worry too much, I'm not as worried as I made out - I think I was just having a stressful day. I actually can't wait!


Ok, I have to say, I've had a truly shit week and all this support from strangers based on a throwaway comment I made about being anxious has really cheered me up. So thanks again.

Thanks, as I said to someone else, I think I came across as being more worried than I actually am. Apprehensive due to lack of experience with brazen harassment is nearer the truth. All that stands between me and an amazing semester in Italy is acquiring a 'leave me alone' attitude.

Thanks, I'm not quite as worried as I came across - more apprehensive. I've heard a lot of bad stories and am lucky enough to not have any particularly bad experiences so far, so don't know how to deal with it. All the advice is helping though!

Thanks for the advice. I'll survive - at least I'm not blond!

Dick receptacle.

I'm genuinely scared of studying in Italy next semester. Almost entirely because of the inevitable harassment. On the plus side, I have a few months to cultivate my bitch face.

How could anyone be snide about pie?!

I know, it's stupid. My (male) roommate definitely wears more makeup (i.e. any) than me (female) and spends more time on his hair, etc than me. All that means is he is mighty sexy and I am mighty lazy. Why do people think it means anything else?

Thank you! I'm blessed too, because I'm awesome (even, gasp, on my own). I don't feel the need to constantly let everyone know.