These people can fuck right off. There is a private message function!
These people can fuck right off. There is a private message function!
Yeah, I'm feeling bad because I honestly thought I wanted what he wanted (move back home after year away, settle down, etc), but as soon as I got here I realized that being abroad is what I want. He may not have been happy about it, but how would he feel in 2/5/15 years when I realize I resent him for stopping me…
This Wednesday I broke up with my LDR. 2 years together and only 2 months of LDR, but I knew it wouldn't work. I want to do things in my life that I just can't do with him. I'm having the same "Oh, I should tell him about this funny thing!" moments as you. They suck. I'm not quite sure what my point in posting is, but…
Go to as many uni events and join as many clubs as you can. You don't have to keep all of them going all year, it's just a good way to meet people. I'm just moved abroad for a year (also undergrad) and a friend suggested couchsurfing. It's a great way to meet people who are travelling in your area, or just go to…
Badass. I'm currently considering a facial piercing, but I'm not sure if it's just the very recent breakup talking. On the other hand, if I can't pull it off when I'm 20, when can I?
This. All of this.
Faith in love/humanity restored after a really shitty week. :)
I've just broken up with number 1 (I started late). I'll contact you in a few months to organize my party.
Stride of pride.
So festive and adorable! Thanks! What a sweetie.
Jaunty little sweater? As someone in quite an emotional place, who is not above begging, I politely request a picture.
Glad I'm not the only one having an over-emotional premenstrual reaction to puppies!
My favourite bit in Pride and Prejudice is the bit where Colin Firth and Hugh Grant fight in the fountain. Jane Austen - what a genius.
Old clothes...that look better on my bedroom floor.
This is an excellent perspective. Thanks for sharing your experience.
I never realized how much I needed a jazz album as a memento of losing my virginity until now.
Me, while reading: how long is it? BUT I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS.
Age: 18
*heads for the border*