It's blatant medical malpractice because the company switched up the sperm vials. Do you really not want the company held accountable because they fucked up at their job?
It's blatant medical malpractice because the company switched up the sperm vials. Do you really not want the company held accountable because they fucked up at their job?
They're not saying that her racial identity is a source of distress. The massive fuck up by the company that made money selling her mislabled sperm causes them distress.
You are wrong. She isn't saying she doesn't love her kid. She is saying that because they gave her the wrong baby batter, she has to move to a more accepting town. If I payed tons of money to be artificially inseminated with specific sperm with specific genetic markers, I would be pissed too.
Agreed. I think this is a valid concern. It would be shocking to be expecting a white child and then giving birth to a child of another race. Choosing to parent a child of another race requires a lot of soul searching and special commitment to helping that child grow up in a word where some see her as the "other".…
I don't understand why people are hating on this lady. She isn't saying she doesn't love her child, she is saying her child will grow up in a hateful environment because the bank screwed up. Since everyone is saying she should move, then she deserves the money to do so.
No clown will ever be as scary to me as Pennywise! *shudder*
WHAT HAPPENS TO PEOPLE IN THEIR CHILDHOODS?! I swear I'm not a prude. I like new things, I enjoy a bit of bondage and spanky and's just this super specific shit that puts me on high alert.
It's sad that my silver lining to this is "well, at least he didn't call her a fucking bitch or ask to fuck her right in the pussy."
She usually has nice hair, makeup, clothes, etc., but bless her heart, it's hard to get a good photo...
The right side of Ariana Grande's face.
What is this? Why is this happening? Is this real life??
Yeah, they are wonderful. But I think to a lot of people they register as creepy-crawlies. SO MISUNDERSTOOD, THE NOBLE OCTOPUS.
I think they're lovely! But I love octopi with all my heart. They are so smart and strange!
The Mason-Dixon line is the historical definition of the South, but it isn't the accurate one, and hasn't been for a hundred years. Maryland and Delaware are not the South — ask any Southerner and they'll tell you. They're also not the North. Maryland, Delaware, DC, and, frankly, Northern Virginia are really their own…
Have fun being wrong.
If anything people would say #theCape and leave the Cod off entirely. (Also, because of this post we are having cod for dinner. I'm really suggestible when it comes to food.)
If you want privacy- don't use "The Cloud!" because as we have seen...THIS HAPPENS!
I would say something along the lines of "Then don't upload / take the risk of uploading these kinds of images to devices that USE these cloud based servers!" but I'll be mobbed telling me how wrong I am. FIRE AWAY!