
I did not recognize Jessica Simpson at all. Even after reading the name of the account I'm not sure it's her

Who can blame Jeter for asking someone else to be the one who sucks ass for once?

Except that the dog was trained to act that way, the cat is naturally an asshole.

At least once every couple of months I fall into the serial killer Wikipedia hole. Each bit of information brings something new to look up! If ever I'm wrongfully accused of any sort of heinous crime, I could probably be convicted on my search history alone.

Bullshit. If he'd never hit her before, he would've reacted to the fact that he knocked her unconscious like, I don't know, a man who had never punched his girlfriend would react. Not stand there like it was nbd, kick her legs out of the way of the door, and then drag her around like a sack of fucking potatoes.

I just want to say that I agree with everything you've said, except there's gotta be a better way to acknowledge that abuse victims are often severely financially dependent on their abusers, without saying that they're staying for the money.

There are a multitude of excruciating factors that make leaving damn near

Wow. For a guy who doesn't have some serious issues with how he treats women, he sure seemed non-plussed after knocking her out with one punch.

uh huh, pull the other, it's got bells on. That's not possible and Ray is making a liar out of you.

Thanks for this. I've been yelling this at my tv and radio for weeks now. I taught in a women's prison and had countless women in my class with the same stories. I had a woman whose husband essentially scalped her with a 2x4, beat her repeatedly, threw her through a glass door, brought home his girlfriend beat her in

I had this discussion w/ some friends that were ranting about Rice the other day. Told them they should come sit through a TRO domestic violence calendar call anytime and they would see how prevalent this shit is (and how much worse most of it is). The worst part is how often women that filed don't even show up or

"A woman saying yes to a date with a man is literally insane and ill-advised, and the whole species' existence counts on them doing it. I don't know how do women still go out with guys, when you consider the fact that there is no greater threat to women than men? We're the number one threat to women.

Step One in the abuser's playbook is to isolate the victim. (I almost said "his victim," but it's also VERY possible for a man to be the abused person in a dysfunctional relationship. See, once you've cut off someone, they have no support group. No peers. No one to run to.

This is very well done. I'd add an Act II epilogue — apologists holding up low conviction rates as proof that women lie about IPV and/or demand that we wait for a full conviction before taking a stand. When you know statistically that an abuser is unlikely to be punished by the legal system for IPV, predicating any

Of all the women murdered in 2010, nearly 40 percent were killed by a spouse or someone they were dating, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. This number has been 30 percent or higher since 1996.

I love that it's the Colts who did this. Just one little extra fuck you to Baltimore.

We're supposed to imagine the emoji's tongue between our legs. Very sexy indeed.

As they old saying goes, "I always tell a guy I'm Bi on the first date. I let him figure out the Polar on his own!"

I think this makes a powerful positive statement about how gay marriage can be just as farcical of a sham as its straight counterpart when practised by insincere yobbos.

Ok, let's start taking odds on the results of this: