
I didn't know it could be spelled that way. Look! You've taught me a new thing!

I agree in principal, but these are just businesses that happened to be in Baltimore. They're not affiliated with the team or the league. They didn't have any responsibility to take any specific action at all, so I have to give them credit for doing so. I can't fault the restaurants for not doing anything before now.

I would caution against using a jersey as Hersh's suggests unless you have plumber on call.

It's making me hungry.

More power to her, but, I think that when her two kids are 18 and 16 respectively, she's going to be 67, and dealing with two teenagers at that age sounds fuckin' exhausting.

My problem was that I am the color of Casper and dance tights are the color of Tan Mom.

I preferred the light pink ones the most, just because at least you KNEW they weren't meant to look natural.

It's funny that you bring this up, because when I danced as a kid, I HATED wearing the tights with a passion because they made my legs look freakishly tan. I'm extremely pale & Irish, so really those silly tights only worked for a section of the population.

My niece's dance class all had to wear the same color tights even though it looked bizarre on all of the girls! It was way too light for the brown girls and way too dark for the white girls. I guess they were going for uniformity but I found it super distracting that no ones bottom half matched their top half.

As a former dance mom, it bothered me that all of the dancers had to wear the same "nude" color tights, because I thought it looked odd on the other girls who weren't the color of Casper.

I didn't know they weren't married.

Definitely too much distraction. Not a fan either.

by the cauldron of Brigid I am so fucking glad I live with modern medicine. I'm sure 200 years from now our cyborg descendants will say the same, but it doesn't change my gratitude now!

It is rich, isn't it?

I would just like to add that Bob McDonnell wrote his master's thesis in 1989 on the importance of infusing Christian Republican family values into government.

I actually do think that the politician who takes the bribe is worse. The politician is worse because he is supposed to be representing the interests of the people who elected him and is supposed to uphold the law. Businessman is representing the interests of his business and doesn't have the extra ethical burden of

McDonnell's trial was entertaining. A "family values" politician threw his wife under the bus to avoid being convicted but still failed.

call me when they can climb and clean stairs.

women's orgasms can last 15 seconds or more (much more, if she's lucky and he's adept).