
I'd love to know what kind of "reliable" beater worth 5k people are driving around in. Totally stupid to sell a paid off car just to get one that telegraphs "poor" better.

I was able to use some CSI software and found the problem.

The license plate is LROYJNKNS

I just appreciate that even perfect celebrities get red marks from crossing their legs. I hate it and they last forever it seems like.

I think the moral here is that no good comes of sexting your cousin.

A group of people who get together to celebrate a quasi-historical figure or series of events is either a church or a civil war re-enactment troop. I'm not sure the logic for one being tax free and not the other.

I would die of happiness if churches had to start paying taxes. Omg that would make me so so happy.

Fuckin'-a, Christians, stop whining! You're burdened? Burdened by a piece of paper? Burdened by the company you own providing health insurance that includes contraception? Bullshit. That's not a burden. If Jesus could carry a fucking big log up a hill after being brutally whipped, then Christians can signed a

Meh. I don't like Hill's work either but attacking his physical appearance is inappropriate.

Anyone else notice that Bey and Blue's dress prints are from Mommy Dearest? NO? JUST ME? OK. Happy Holidays.

I agree, he gives me the creeps, and I can't figure out his continual success. I find him charmless and vaguely sinister.

Not too long ago he hurled some homophobic slurs at some paps (of course paps are horrible, aggressive people, but the level of hate was over the top). My feelers for him being "way off" though didn't really start going out of control until the Daily Show interview where he bragged about taking a "pay cut" of only

I'm telling you internetz there is something WAY OFF about Jonah Hill, he's a fucking weirdo and not in a good way.

His chest is made out of rich Corinthian leather.

The best aviation movie of all time...

you can can have my steak tartare, oysters and Camembert when you pry them from of my cold, dead hands.

Don't joke about the restaurants there. They have a Pizza place that has a buffet with pizza AND fried chicken. Yep, you can't get those kind of choices in most states.

And in perfect English, something most native English speakers could not pull-off.

I think it looks like this:

The drivers. SERIOUSLY. I can't count how many times it came down to me and a late model Subaru having a fucking showdown in the parking lot.

Waldheimer's Disease: when you forget you were a Nazi