
I will point out that the current Daily Show/Colbert Report lineup does have some diversity — Stewart is Jewish, and we were still a minority ourselves last time I checked, albeit one that gets to pass as "normal" until someone brings out the bagels and shmear. ;)

Prince can do whutever he wants. All day. Every. day. ::swoon::

When do we get a mental health counselor? I feel like a lot of guys trolling Tinder could just use someone to talk to…

I just a-swingin' on my tire swing, munching on rotisserie chicken, and tossing back a bottle of chardonnay. Life is good.

Self-discipline would :)

should the cost savings listed here be offset in some way by the money I spend on stupid things I convince myself I need when walking through Costco, e.g. 12 packs of underwear and tube socks, crappy books, and flash drives/memory cards?

I've had dicks in my ass on plenty of occasions, just not in locations where people who make minimum wage have to clean up after me and where children roam freely. My animals judgement still stands, and I'll throw in a "you're a piece of shit" to round it off.

Sorry but this story is a nightmare. A friend of mine once got cum on her hands in a Target dressing room because of animals like yourself.

11 chickens a year? Yeah, they are that good. The down side is that every time you go in to buy one you'll find about $200 in new items you can't live without.

How does one manage perfectly symmetric vitiligo? For these models, even when there is a genetic problem they win the genetic lottery.

"You please me, child-ape. Perhaps I shall not steal your breath after all."

This is amazing. One of the best things ever on TV. I knew nothing of this internet theory, initial googling had me almost convinced Chad Smith *was* a Will Ferrell character (despite logically knowing otherwise), then convinced not, that Chad was playing along, and THEN I got more cowbell.

Starred because yesterday near Dupont I watched a guy drive up on the sidewalk to get around a bus that "cut him off" by stopping in the bus lane to take on passengers.

Ugh, nobody should be allowed to learn how to drive in Washington, D.C. They should fly her out of the beltway entirely, so she can learn how to drive among people who are not actively trying to commit murder with their cars.

Carson Kressley is probably the only one who appreciates that comparison.

This is mesmerizing and for a minute I was like wait, Jimmy Fallon's body? Wat?

In today's episode of Missing the Point with your host, Bears:

But the work itself isn't racist once the words are removed.

Not to mention that the Volkswagen beetle was, quite literally, commissioned by Hitler from a man that later designed tanks for the Reich.

So, I don't see how your differentiation is appropriate.

If you have to explain why a song is racist, based on it's long forgotten roots and not current context, maybe it's not so racist anymore? (Note: I'm not arguing that racism doesn't exist, just providing a counterpoint.)