
Religion is just fucked. You want to be a good person you know what to do, you don’t need a book or a benevolent deity to espouse being a decent human. The amount of horrible shit that’s happened cause people are afraid that when they die their just fucking dead and not in fairy wonderland is insane.

Sorry, but you had only to wait 1/2 hour. AP reporting that the VA is looking to close >1100 facilities, privatize the system with vouchers, which will then, presumably,  not be accepted by most private practitioners. Mazel tov.

Most people who pay attention know that, but that doesn’t really change or bring anything to the discussion.

According to your republican congresscritter, you got GERD because you weren’t “leading a good life.”

Because the context is that people who are wealthy are working hard, versus everyone else ISN’T. Don’t tell me those lower paid people aren’t working hard and THAT’S why they don’t have the resources a wealthier person has. Hard work is not specific to class. That’s the part I have an issue with.

Still a no. Since you mentioned it, though, did making prank videos lead to child abuse or did it just expose a pair of shitty parents that nobody would have otherwise noticed?

This is not the correct answer.

The bartender yells out, “What’s a Grecian urn?”

There is one irrefutable, terrifying fact about the 2016 election that no amount of hand-wringing will change:

“concealing the emails found ...would have been ‘disastrous’” Yeah, good thing you guys sat on all of those investigations of Trump’s campaign staff and the Russians that were going on at the time, instead of making THOSE public.

15 or 10, he’s still not gonna get any older, ok?

First things first. that picture is NOT a 15 year old... maybe when he was 10.

Who the fuck cares if that’s an outdated picture? THE INNOCENT CHILD, WHO DID NOTHING WRONG, IS DEAD. Learn to have some empathy.

LOLOLOLOLOL ok. Race isn’t a problem in this country.

You mean except they were called in about black teens drinking? Or that they might have been in an area or neighborhood that had a high percentage of black teens? They expected to find black teens, so they treated them as black teens...

Yes, “heard gunfire” does not mean “were fired upon.” Believe me the cops would have reported being fired upon if they could have to cover their ass for shooting an unarmed black kid.

I guess you can’t wait until the media digs up some dirt on the kid to make you feel better, huh?

No weapons in the car, no charges against anyone in the car, nothing. That proves it wasn’t justified, it was a stupid cop that was either a racist jackass, or a stupid cop that has the brain the size of a walnut (who could also be racist).

Some 15 year olds have baby faces. This is a pic supplied by the family. I’m sure people are scouring social media as we speak looking for pictures to make the victim look like a gang member. Jordan Edwards sounds like a common name, I’m sure any minute pics of 35 year old Jordan Edwards will be used to defame the