
I dropped my kids at the bus stop five blocks from my house. There’s a four lane intersection surrounding my block. As I was coming to the corner of my block there were 2 cops just sitting at the corner in the lane I needed to turn from so I had no choice but to turn from the left lane.

I forced myself to read past black female Trump supporter to see if there was any redeemijng qualities and am now thoroughly convinced that I will miss NOTHING by dismissing them in the future.

That explains why he never accepts my game invites!

No emt, no hospital visit, at her age it could have been a stroke...that’s why I call shenanigans

At her age it could have been a’s a really big deal..that’s why I call shenanigans

21 minutes? I guess they don’t do foreplay.

I hate to say I told you so, but you can look on MS forums and see we tried to warn them about this damn thing years ago.🤔

Should have stuck with the plain. A little butter, sugar and salt...the most extravagant thing that should ever go in cream of wheat (or grits for that matter) is scrambled eggs or cheese. 

I’m glad you called them thugs because no one else is.😒

So the topic of what her husband and Devos just did to handicapped kids is off the table then huh?

She needs to be Kim Kardashian famous. Imagine where that would lead!🤔

NFL 2k5

Someone should make cartoonish t-shirts with a union soldier kicking a confederate soldier in the ass repeatedly and see how many laughs it gets.🤔

Ghetto Bastard-Naughty by Nature

Weird, he didn’t seem upset at the fan in the row in front of him, wearing the Manning jersey just to his right, that was using his phone during the anthem....🤔

I learned about the Russians from a woman I worked with about 30 years ago. RUTH. She thought I was Spanish so she felt comfortable to be racist when talking to me about a big obviously black guy Gill who happened to be....wait for I had my adolescent brain blown from that day on and have since been able to

Other than the runny eggs, I can’t get behind this list. Your momma never told you that you can’t eat everbodies cookin?

“It’s just seasonal decorations, nothing racist”😒

She’s a woman and the wrong color...good luck with that.👍

If mental gymnastics were a sport, these people would be Olympic gold medalists.