Except that’s not how players get paid for shoe deals?!😂
Except that’s not how players get paid for shoe deals?!😂
Thanks for the article, I never knew POC are accepted by the juggalo fans. I always thought it was a white thing.
The only thing I learned was that money makes the man.
Yes, yes they are.
What’s ignorant is the people disrespecting the protesters.
If the media stops writing about her she goes away but you’re all falling for the trap so....she’s gonna be rich.
You forget about the hardcore day 1 players, I’ve never bought a shark card and can easily afford these new free updates.🤔
Both me and my autistic son (we’re black with the “good shit”) have pony tails.
That’s like saying, I’m not a murderer, I’m just a rapist.
Trump heard only LL was a lock and said fuck it.
So now even Bannon is admitting Trumps a liar...who knew?
I wonder if L.L. will perform for massa.
So I guess no one’s chomping at the bit to take those vacant spots....Trumps breath must smell like Dr. SHULZ insoles by now.
Maybe it’s a ploy. The white nationalist are going the damsel in distress rout since they’re still clearly outnumbered.
He didn’t give him time to comply with a single order. This entire encounter was handled wrong by this officer. What the ever loving fuck!
I guess they won’t be going after affirmative action and civil rights violations then...oh wait, they still are.
My favorite retort from the “I never owned slaves” people is that African chiefs sold us away so we should place the blame there. That’s followed closely by the “get over it, you weren’t a slave” crowd.
Bone for life, Candy Paints intro is my notification sound!
You need to have taught your kids common sense before giving them unfiltered access to the internet or else anything is able to influence them.