So this is all a play to steal this guy’s company? A company he built from nothing.
So this is all a play to steal this guy’s company? A company he built from nothing.
Years ago I had a friend say that “savage’ was offensive to her and her fellow indigenous people for many of the reasons Paul outlined above. So I stopped using it (not that it was really a regular part of my vocabulary anyway).
More like why would she want to spend her life with someone who can’t even respect the tiniest boundary set that deprives no one but the OP of “but I can’t rant about video games I’ve played at her!”
Got a good tip a few years ago. “When you finished your tweet (or comment, I cant remember anymore), copy it, open it in Word, take a short break and then read it again before you post it.”
Cause trans people’s lives aren’t hard enough. Fuck, leave them alone.
Fair enough place as any to say that we’re here and not going anywhere. And we’re not anyone’s punchline.
You know, at this point it’s no longer a bug. This is a feature.
I feel like the article is more of an observation than it is a complaint. It is shining a light on something potentially negative, but she mostly just talks about it as being the state of the game.
By assuming the veteran actor is sprinting at a 6-minute mile pace
Girls, he reasoned, aren’t toxic.
Ya, see? The great part is they disabled cutscene skipping in Castrum. I love it. Really, I do.
Something important to note in all of this:
The, “I never asked to be a role model/hero/what have you” argument certainly feels like it should be salient, and it’s true, up to a point—sports figures of all stripes, traditional, e-sport, or otherwise, only ever asked for an opportunity to do what they do at a very high…
Dear Cecilia. I see you have made a lighthearted statement on the internet. Please see below for my ten-page, point-by-point counterargument, sprinkled with ad hominems, which I have posted below and also mailed to your office in hard copy. Please advise as to when I should expect my apology.
Fun* historical factoid: Stalingrad was given the noncontroversial name Volgograd (after the river, Tsaritsyn was named after the Tsar respectively) in 1961 by the Soviet government as part of a multi-year nationwide “Destalinization” campaign removing many of the signs of his personality cult (geographic names,…
Pretty much every single article I’ve ever read that whines about how “no one votes these days” completely fails to mention that this is the desired outcome of decades of legislation specifically designed to make voting inconvenient and expensive. Nope, it’s just those damn lazy Millennials!!!!
He was a carpenter in his early appearances, but I think they made him a plumber later