Things like this make me miss King of the Hill even more.
Things like this make me miss King of the Hill even more.
@Archaotic: Most game genres are rehashes too (not just shooter games).
What do you guys recommend for a good PC Mouse? Any good ones that you have seen on sale recently?
@Y-bot: It all comes down to timing it (like in DDR or DJ Max). I just focus more on the sound they blocks make rather than their movement.
Ah I remember when I won a PSP Phat with 8 bucks and my DSi with 20 dollars only.
I still think scary voodoo is more scary than some lame "outbreak" or "virus" that causes zombies.
Is it time for Pokemon comics?
@Komrade Kayce: Ohh chat drama. This is getting interesting. *grabs popcorn*
What good f2p MMOs should I be trying out this weekend? Any good Korean MMOs?
Is it time to dump our favorite music?
Can someone please explain to me as to why there are even rules of engagement? I thought war meant winning at any means possible? Or is it different now in modern times?
Well this is odd. Just yesterday seemed like everyone was ranting and complaining of how AchromaticMagus trolls in her posts and now all of a sudden an article pops-up regarding her. Funny how things turn out here on Kotaku.
Will this game involve me overclocking my Graphics Card again?
I made Megaman in Minecraft from scratch out of boredom.