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Goodluck on your dog! Hopefully he won't have this expression towards cupcakes after the training.

Reminds me of Minecraft if anyone has played that.

I always wonder what you guys do with all the freebie marketing stuff you get from companies. Do you personally keep it? Or does Kotaku owns it?

I can't wait to hear from teabaggers blaming this on Obama for no reason.

War. War never changes.

They better make another God Hand game or Kenshiro will bring down the pain.

@AchromaticMagus: Well the article does say "The 90-Minute Review Of Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones." Just a heads up to check the article thoroughly before making criticism. ;)

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The last video of the Yoda being disappointed with George Lucas's fascination with CGI was the best part.

Please tell me we can romance with her. Or at LEAST have a skill tree chat with her. It's hard for me to connect with Zaeed since all he does is repeat the same stories in his quarters.

Did you know Rob Zombie was originally planned to direct Resident Evil?

And here comes the giant wall-text of comments about religion. Yay!

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Probably some S4 League, it's a pretty good third-person shooter.

In b4 this becomes a CNN vs. Fox News debate.

@laser beams: Just to clarify this whole art/text debate in the comic I did not make it. /v/ takes the credit for creating it and thought I would share it since it was both funny and something that I remember happening in my childhood.