
A pearl necklace in VR? Perhaps you want a.... different game.

Jim: You playing that game again?
Dwight: Second Life is not a game. It is a multi-user virtual environment. It doesn’t have points or scores, it doesn’t have winners or losers.
Jim: Oh it has losers.

You mean that people from local races are more likely to support the person who is helping fund their campaign? The ignominy!

Most game buyouts I see aren’t usually good, or at least by big studios. “We’re going to cancel you after 1 or 2 games even though you would’ve lasted longer without us”.

But what really upsets me about this cop’s conduct is the way he holds his handgun.

Sometimes I really miss Ugly Americans.


I recommend the collector’s box, which has physical versions of all three for the same price, along with a bonus art book and travel pouch. c:

By all means “Fuck cancer”.

To be fair, he stopped looking menacing in the movie after the first time he took off his helmet.

This. Modern Wushu has very little to do with actual fighting.

Might be some nostalgia-colored glasses you’re wearing. In the Bungie days, I can’t count the number of times I made my way from set piece to set piece with no idea why I was doing what I was doing (besides killing aliens) or going where I was going (besides the fact that I was corridor-bound to go that way). It’s not

“Dear Mr. Ashcraft,

Consider these spin kicks to martial arts is like drifting is to racing. Not efficient or effective, but it’s fun, difficult, and having skill in one leads to skill in the other. Look up Sage Northcutt, the UFC fighter - he’s a tricker.

I haven’t worked security in a long time, but the one thing you didn’t do was get involved with what was happening outside your venue.

Particularly getting involved in a he said/she said argument.

I’m truly sorry this lady had a shit night involving some apparent assholes. But sacking people for not being chivalrous

Now playing

Artist’s depiction of this “battle”:

Good? Thats is subjective but they have been working on a very specific story trajectory based entirely around Cortana since Halo 3(some would say 2) and that Halo 5 has characters from the Halo books, Characters from previous games and Characters from the NightFall Halo show. I’m not Halo fan but its a great deal