
why good evening there mr killington...

Through kinect fitness? huh... well congrats i guess, looks like it works lol

This was a thing? And people though it would actually... you know... make them fit?

when i saw i thought it was a joke segment but then...

local coop would be a nice thing to have in this

They need epiclloyd to voice him. They have to!

Sneaky sony trying to sell us on move 2.0 like MS with kinect 2.0...

ok, so apocalyptic naked man who might’ve given birth to a baby who becomes invisible and handcuffs in the middle of a bunch of dead sea life and some strange obelisks in the sky?

yeah not a fan of having to “update” my console every 2 years

from june 30 to june 20? Do i need a microsoft brand time machine coupled to my X1 or does any third party time machine work?

is it going to lock out all the user that don’t buy it like taken king did?

Ahoy motherfuckers!- Best intro line ever. Im stealing it.

isn’t it already summer? it`s june...

Jesus, us in EU will be extremely lucky to import this from the US before the new year

Goddamn i still need to finish fallout 4. Still, i’ll get this to move myself closer to the end.

but the corporations need the ad revenue! it’s unfair how these vultures dare use footage of the corporations intellectual property without letting them at least wet their beak a little...

This is a terrible and stupid idea. 4k is barely a thing now. Wait for next gen. Just like they did with full HD

im still waiting for the taken king to drop to a reasonable 20$ before i get it.

Not much of a guess, more like an actual bona fide realistic prediction. It’ll be a popularity contest between kids who know close to nothing about science, they’ll likely have a behind the scenes crew help them make the experiments and they’ll just be there to scream whatever stupid catchphrase helped them win the

Actually it’s quite simple. Baseball bats are made or americanium, and each time a gay is allowed to marry or a nice christian business is forced to service a gay, the molecular bonds that hold americanium together in the vicinity of such an unlawful act star to loosen, thus risking fracture of the baseball bat.