I'll sign my name to this. I have my system. It freakin' WORKS. Great Maker.
I'll sign my name to this. I have my system. It freakin' WORKS. Great Maker.
SHE is the bomb! Highly recommend that.
Bless these people. I'm all over this.
Yeah. There's quite a bit of "hate college! Hate professors" on Gawker sites at times. Those dang adjuncts make their cush 18k per year job! I wish I could fuck around all day and teach and rake in the money because it's ALLLL SOOOOO EASY!!!!!!
Let the nerdrage begin.
I'm very disappointed that I can't find any pictures of this guys flappy on nude celeb sites. VERY DISAPPOINTED.
Great Zeus' beard!
Logic traps are like these . . .
Baja hoodie FTW....
As long as they don't kill him. He needs to be on television forever.
No Robert Carlyle? Fehhhhhh
Are the fans this incredibly stupid?
I followed you from a star you gave me and LOOK AT THAT CUTE LITTLE CROWN in front of your name!
Kerry Washington makes me cry inside my soul.
These uppity women thinking they can get degrees and stuff. Wtf????
May I introduce:
Wow, one more reason to avoid Macy's. What dickweeds.