Thank you. They'll be flabby cakes, not fluffy cakes.
Thank you. They'll be flabby cakes, not fluffy cakes.
Working on a college campus . . . and this stuff is pretty much a daily occurrence. I've never seen such moronic, stupid, entitled behavior in my entire freakin' life. "Oh, a busy intersection. I can text with headphones on and just cross. People will stop."
So, we're reporting on this again?
This is the world where people gave the Star Wars lightsaber kid so much shit that he has severe anxiety now. While many internet folks are good, solid people, we also open the door to people who think Miss America is "a terrorist" and to rednecks to call Obama the N-word for interrupting their football with…
While I don't see an issue with including Cory M. in the special tributes, they could have easily given Klugman 2 minutes, for fuck's sake.
I don't remember reading that he'd passed. I'm kind of pissed about that.
Damn, Morena Baccarin. Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Gorgeous!
Woman could be green with pink spots and she would rock. Color doesn't matter here. Just bad-assness, and this woman is badASS.
No. Just, too difficult of a character to relate to in any way. Until the end. By then, it's too late.
I'm so glad I'm not the one who thinks that Kubrick has serious, Freudian-level mommy-issues with his female characters. Is there one that isn't completely fucking stupid, or trite? Or the queen of all bitches? Were he and Robert Jordan separated at birth?
Yeah, because all moms want to be told how to raise their kids by a stranger. "Nanny" is not a title that gives blanket respect. Or, did some of us forget about the nanny cams who capture women slapping babies?
I went to my white privileged neighborhood grocery store and bought some Doritos on sale. I bought 5 bags because if I get 5, I get a good deal. I picked up some coffee (whole beans POSH brand - pumpkin spice flavor) and some C batteries.
I would imagine you can paint them? Maybe they come in black? Hmmm...
Holy shit. How did you not come out of that without some kind of douche fungi? You need to be thankful that you weren't sucked into his black hole of anus-ness.
I dated a guy who would not shut the holy fuck up about his big dick.
What in the flaming hell does a woman do with 11" of dick? I mean, wtf? Imagine sticking your weiner into a straw. Like, FORCING that shit in there until it fit. That's what my vagina thinks when I hear a term like "11 inch dick."
Yeah, I worry about this as well. But I'm also relieved in some sick way that people who live in the various assholes of America (when it comes to body rights) might have some options.