I call everyone dude, bro! Girls should not be left out because they are girls. Girls can be amaaaaazing dudes. Why U gotta hate?
Mormon publisher not liking gayness.
I assumed you were a man? HOLY SHIT YOU READ MY MINDS. WUUUT?
Wow, gassed children in Syria? Nice.
Dude, did you really just say "Dramatic much?" Are you a 12-year-old girl?
People are actually worried about WHO will play Batman instead of worrying about the shiteous writing that's taken place in the last Dark Knight movie / Superman movie? I'm sorry, was I supposed to give a flying monkey's ass about any of the characters involved in the two above_mentioned movies?
Yeah, but that doesn't mean we give him a rainbow-filled scepter of infinite "passes" when he spews some fucked up shit like this.
-100 Whedon points in my heart now. Not everyone wants to see a cool character killed off as masturbatory gimmick.
Can't we just let them continue to do this stuff? So we can mock their ignorance and laugh at their intellectual misfortune?
I totally agree. First thing I thought of was the MRA movement here as well. Whenever the privileged group begins stomping feet, it comes across as an elitist tantrum, not as someone trying to "keep it real."
2012 was one of the worst films I've ever seen. Dear lord, we're in a plane, trying to escape a city that's being torn apart and hey, baby, why did we decide to get divorced? I want to chat about it right now.
Well, and can you make money off giving oral exams? When you can play a company to take care of the testing for you?
"But for many kids, it's still a vicious cycle: politicians pass laws that force schools to focus on test prep and pressure them into pushing out low-scoring kids. Students are less engaged in actual learning if they're fixated on passing standardized tests. Students of color are hit the hardest."
Yeah, I balk so hard at someone comparing a teen movie to the Avengers. The Avengers has raised the bar on comic movies (probably forever) and I see this and think "Twilight with leather" or some shit.
If they had guns, this wouldn't have happened, btw.
WHAT THE FUCK? THIS IS SOUTH AMERICA, natives, speak South American. You must be too lazy to learn it, YO. Like, when I go to France, I learn FRENCH, fuckers. They better not be coming to the U.S. to steal our medicaid and food stamps if they get sick. I guess if they believed in Jesus, they wouldn't be in this…
God, I love her!
That's what I'm TALKIN ABOUT!!!