
7:30 in, and it's goddamn unwatchable. Stuffy, egotistical nerd thinks he's Mr. Fascinating, continually stopping to mention "his chat went away", or some such boring thing. He seems ZERO percent invested in the gaming experience. How do these people make money doing this?!

Looooove having to sit through 3+ minutes of self-indulgent rambling on someones Twitch feed to see them start the damn game. How do so many people have an over-inflated view of how fascinated we are with their off-topic BS? START. THE. DAMN. GAME. Ugh.

Ya know what? Fuck it.

She's right.

Oooh, aren't *you* spicy?
See champ, I wasn't saying what I think - so much as asking honestly what everyone *else* sees in this game to justify the hype. I didn't go off on how terrible it looks. But maybe your reading comprehension is very poor?

Didn't say I was turned off due to the hype - just failing to see what the hype is all about, other than the self-perpetuating hype machine itself creating more hype so we can all get hyped....?

Why exactly is everyone so unbelievably stoked for this game?
What exactly makes it stand out so much from other shooters? Is there some amazing twist to gameplay, some brilliant mechanic that I've missed?
So far, Destiny is coming across like another so-so shooter wrapped in 25,688 layers of H Y P E.
So, sooooo much

More to the point, are either Wario or Waluigi....plumbers?

Been a huge fan of Arrogant Bastard since 2005 when I first tried it. It's become my "go-to" beer for starting off a night of debauchery :P
It's powerful taste scares some people away, sure, but that just means they weren't worthy.

Damn, not a thing for PS4 :( Reeeeally wish we could at least buy digital games and play them on PS4, like Bioshock Infinite - never got a chance to play it, now I'm all "next-gen" and full of sad faces :(

Damn, not a thing for PS4 :( Reeeeally wish we could at least buy digital games and play them on PS4, like Bioshock

I'm confused. Did she get hip/ass implants or something? When she's "working out" in the pink bikini suit, her hips look all mutant and swollen at the sides? Is that intentional? Surgery? What is going on here?

In what way, though? I hadn't heard that from anyone or in any reviews. I played it on PS4, but other than a bit of a graphical reduction, I can't see why it would be a "horrible port".

It's the same game as on every other system. If you found it boring, that has nothing to do with the Wii U.
I played it for like 50 hours and had a blast with it, personally.

Hahaha true, I hadn't noticed that :)

FIFA '14, eh Oregon?
Well, no one ever accused us of not being unique..

lolwut? I've been having an AMAZING time with mine. So far I've played Assassins Creed IV, Flower, Resogun, Tomb Raider: DE, Infamous: SS, Watch Dogs, TLOU: Remastered... it's been a sweet ride so far. You're just being negative.


Ugh...just looks SO boring.

Fair enough - though I do remain skeptical that you could go to the store and purchase a $399 PC that rivals the abilities of the PS4, especially when you include all else that the system has, such as the share mode/clip editor, the awesome controller (DS4), the online store built in, the in-game chat abilities,

Nope, nope, nope...
Scrap this entire list, and replace it with two words:

